Day 572, 17:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Arthur Wellesley

Loyal Members of the UKRP

As you may well be aware, it's just about that time again. Yes, that's right, it's time to elect your Party President. As I'm the only one on the forums running again, and thus the other candidates will be largely ignored in the election, you may be thinking to yourself: "Gee, Arthur, this seems like a bit of a one sided contest".

Well, I don't really want to go through the same things again. You know me, you know the work I do, and how I do it. I ask for you to vote for me again, and I will continue trying to improve the party and working with our loyal members to make a better eUK. Under my leadership, you know we will fight and we will win.


For further information, see my last two manifestos: