D22: Starter Article Drafting

Day 4,467, 10:45 Published in USA USA by Jacob Ferguson

For the remainder of this week, I'll be drafting up an article that may be used as a reference for new players. Thanks to all the commenters on the last article, and I will continue to ask for your favorite tips and tricks for new players. Please reference the list below for topics and provide any notes for each section that would benefit new players knowledge. I will not be publishing an article on Thursday or Friday to focus on drafting up a comprehensive article for Saturday. Thanks for your understanding.


Notes/Potential Sections for the coming article:
- Residence (houses and holding companies)
- Jobs/Companies
- Training Grounds (what and when to upgrade)
- Air Combat
- Resistance Wars and Support
- Training Wars
- Food and Efficiency
- Politics/Elections/Parties
- Newspapers/Journalism
- Military Units