Army Stats. Summary of last month

Day 1,518, 04:44 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Good day Ladies and Gentlemen.

As I promised last week, today I'm here to present the monthly report of the progress of the largest U.S. Military Units, from 12/11 to 1/14 (five weeks). Number of members for each Military Unit is always the same:

EdenInci - 47
Libertarian Militia - 33
FST Shadow - 38
Liberty Corps - 26
SFP Bear - 41
Hell Jumpers - 20
Airborne - 45
US Marine Corps - 37
National Guard - 45

These are the members acquired or lost in the last week and in a month:

Essentially, stronger Military Units are growing in number, while the smaller ones lose members or remain stable, classical Capitalism.

Growth in the number of opponents defeated is summarized in these table and graph:

Although there are still many differences in weekly ups and downs, overall it can be said that the six major MU are growing in number of opponents defeated. So eRepublik is not dying, instead players continue to grow and fight increasingly.

Finally, for effective comparison of the members of each army, I calculated the ratio between opponents defeated and members. The resulting number is the mean of opponents defeated by a single soldier, a value very objective to estimate the real activity in every Military Unit:

These data are also optimistic and show a slow growth by all U.S. MUs. And this fact means that, as time passes, soldiers prefer to fight with weapons gradually better, and all Military Units help their soldiers to carry out this goal, as it should be.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope to write again next month other so encouraging data. And remember to join a Military Unit, it’s the right choice for yourself and for the Country.