A spot of party news

Day 577, 17:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Arthur Wellesley

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the interests of full disclosure, and hopefully turning into some kind of ejournalist, I thought I'd put out a lovely spot of news.

The United Kingdom Reform Party is currently in the midst of our exciting nomination process for our candidate for Prime Minister. Our nominees have already been selected and been through the first runoff vote, with the following results:

Dishmcds: 9
JerryGFL: 4
Arthur Wellesley: 2
Craig Rossiter: 2
Deathtoll32: 0

Our top two contenders, Dishmcds and JerryGFL will be moving to the second runoff vote in the next day or so, and the winner of that contest will be our nominee.

Between now and then, I will speak to both candidates and decide if they wish to seek additional campaign time within the party, or if they prefer my going ahead and calling the vote. The results of the second runoff will be announced soon after.

Are you a UKRP member? Are you on the forums? If not, I encourage you to go to here and register!

Thank you, and good day
Arthur Wellesley