[SC] Nebula Pie Report 2

Day 2,828, 03:06 Published in Czech Republic Iran by Janty F

Dear friends,

since the first Nebula Pie article was successful enough, I have decided to do similar report for last week as well. As usual, I took the last weeks damage from each active player (😉 from each division, add it all together and displayed the results in form of pies. I've also compared all the active players and created TOP10 for each division. Few notable things:

eAustralia increased its damage, while eJapan dropped by 1,5 mld. eAustralian share in D3 droped almost by half though. With another new tank coming to eAustralia, it will be interesting to watch the development in D4.
eUruguay continues to be really strong in all divisions except D4. They have the same amount (10 people) in TOP 10 as eAustralia. eJapan has 13 players there.
eCzech Republic is still using famous BH Aragorn II to boost its D2 and total damage.

(😉 I didn't include players from D1, who had less than 100000 damage. It shouldn't have influence on the results though. I also rounded up and down a few numbers.
Top 10

Edit: I apologize famous D2 BH Rusty D for not including him in TOP10 and thus denying him his third place. If you know some other people from Nebula, that should be here, but they are not (because of their Serbian or other CS), let me know in PM 😉

SC of Nebula
MoD of eCZ