[eIre CP] Welcome to the CP New Term

Day 4,586, 03:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aras an Uachtarain

Greetings eIreland,

Firstly I would like to thank those who voted and especially the ones who voted for me. While the turn out was rather low, this is something that is not new in this game. But I was happy to see a new player run for President and also to see she garnered some votes.

I will keep this intro brief, as I will do a more detailed update on the weekend, but I just wanted to touch base with you, the citizens of eIreland.

Dáil Éireann

I have decided to keep the current make up of the Dublin Commune/Congress message thread going. However this will be updated after the next congress elections, to include anyone who should be in their, after the vote.

After making initial contact with Romanian political leaders (more about that below), I presented the start of this conversation to Congress/Commune. Talks have progressed, albeit very slowly, so I will be presenting an update to Congress most likely tomorrow.

While that is the main topic being discussed, I will be soon tabling some suggestions/requests to congress for their input and feedback. This will mainly have to do with the economic side of things.

Military Operations

The current remaining Training War with eIndonesia is still on going. I am hoping to keep the battles fresh, so our fighters will always have a chance to earn some TP cash and a few medals along the way.

The current layout of the TW is the same as before:

- Ireland attacks Wexford, Ireland Loses
- Indonesia attacks Dublin, Indonesia Loses

However while I dont see this changing in a hurry, please keep an eye out in the shout box for any last minute instructions.

The Romania Situation

As brought up by the out going CP, eIreland has had a visit from Romania. What was originally told to us, the citizens of eIreland, was that this Romanian visit would be short term, however after a month or so, as we have seen, Romania has set up their caravan and decided to apparently stay here for the long term.

Once elected, I tried to reach out to the Romanian political authorities in regards to this matter. While their response was delayed plus confusing some times (due to previous administration discussions plus an apparent case of he said/she said), talks are slowly going forward. Whilst I need to stress the "slowly" aspect of these talks, myself and my Romanian point of contact are discussing the situation to understand the desires of Romania in our neck of the woods and what eIreland expects.

It is not unknown that there is a vast polar difference in the fighting ability of our two nations, eRomania currently is one of the strongest nations in the game and eIreland while vicious, is definitely the under dog if it came to a fight. However what eIreland lacks in strength, it makes up in sheer determination (or as some might put it, stubbornness), as many nations beforehand have found out the hard way. We can be wiped, but no-one will ever break the determination of the Irish.

So for now, Ireland and Romania are sitting down discussing each of our own views of the situation. Hopefully head way will be made sooner then later, so I can present to Congress the options open to us via negotiations.

Going Forward

Hopefully by the weekend update, I will be able to present to you the Irish citizens a more detailed update and plans of this coming month. But if you remember back to my December term, there will be giveaways, there will be plans to further improve our economy as well as I hope a tad bit of fun.

Your humble servant,
Rusty D