[eIre CP] CP Update

Day 4,592, 03:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aras an Uachtarain

Greetings eIreland,

Sorry about the delay in the update. I know I promised to have it on the weekend, but with a few things going on, I was hoping to have a solution/result that I could report on here. However, nothing has come in yet, so I will try and update you with the happenings as best as I can.

Dáil Éireann

The Dáil Éireann has been kept abreast of the happenings on the political front, even if it is has been slow. Some of the topics that have been discussed is the Romania issue (more about that below), the vote for an Australian MPP as well as some slight changes to the TW with Indonesia, which like Romania, I will talk about a bit more below.

Other then those few items, it has been pretty quiet. But people remember with Congress votes coming up, please run for congress. But do remember to keep an eye on the region your running from, as game mechanics (if it hasnt changed) will de-select you if that region changes hands. I am not sure how many regions/seats we will have, but you should still put your name in the hat.

Military Operations

The current TW with Indo was changed up recently, as Indonesia requested a hand in enabling them to move their capital back to Indonesian Cores. So due to this, we won Wexford and are currently attacking Louth, which we are meant to Loose so dont hit too hard there.

On another note, I have been informed by Indonesia, that they have decided once we loose Louth, they will 'Gift' that back to Romania (they are currently attack Romanian controlled Shannon). I have made it known of my displeasure at this, them giving away our cores to a country who came here uninvited. What becomes of this situation is up to them. All things considered Indonesia has been a great TW partner with Ireland as well as a good friend. We were happy to help them in their desire to relocate their capital, however as you could imagine, aiding an enemy/uninvited guest is not something that sits well with me.

The Romania Situation

After discussions and a bit of back and forward with Romania, an offer was agreed upon by myself and my Romanian point of contact. This offer was of the following:

Romania gives Ireland an upfront payment of 375,000cc and leaves all Irish regions. In return Ireland would give Romania the Deer resource concession

Before presenting this to the Irish congress, I informed Romania, that doing this deal would mean we loose out on our bonuses and ruin our deal with Poland, but since it was something on offer, I would propose it to the Irish Congress/Commune.

The Irish Congress/Commune voted to reject the deal (with the Polish bonuses making the Romania deal look like a step backwards). This is something I could completely understand, after all I also hold companies in these regions. This voted down offer and the reasons behind it was presented to Romania. We are currently awaiting their response.

Economics Plans

I have not been able to even to begin looking into this, as our current and past Minister of Finance Left Bank is yet to get back to me with access to the Orgs or access to our cash reserves (which I have been told is roughly 1.5mil, the rest is tied up in tradable commodities).

Depending on the situation currently happening our regions and actually being given access to our countries money, I will either cough up my own private funds to plan and economic stimulus or alter what I had plan on doing. Hopefully I will be able to present something to Congress to look into shortly.

If anything arises before my next update, I will endevour to use the shout box or inform Congress/Commune to pass it onto the citizens. Until then eIreland, enjoy RL and have some fun in the game.

Your humble servant,
Rusty D