[eIre CP] CP Friday Brief Update

Day 4,595, 01:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aras an Uachtarain

Greetings eIreland,

Before we head into the weekend, I just wanted to touch base with you all with a quick update on a few things happening. This will only be a brief one, until there is more detail to be passed on.

Dáil Éireann

The Dáil Éireann recently voted YES to a new MPP for eIreland, that is of North Korea. While NK is not in any major active wars, this MPP is a sign of our support for their little community.

On the Romanian front, congress/commune is currently looking at 4 options I presented to them to see if this could be either a solution to Romanian request or an end to the discussions with them... a little bit about that below.

Military Operations

The Indo TW is back to normal, with us ping ponging with Wexford and Dublin. They moved it around a tad bit to allow them to get their capital back to Indonesian cores, which we were happy to help with. In return, Indo has also helped us in regaining control of Louth, which they realise is an Irish region, that was unjustly occupied by Romania. For this I thank them.

The UK is looking at an NE with eIreland, they will most likely vote Yes to it in the next few hours and will do a ping pong battle with us in Louth and Northern Ireland.

Estonia has reached out to Ireland in the hope of a TW with us as well. Depending on other movements, I am hoping to be able to allow them in, as this will help our fighters gain TP cash as well as gold from medals.

The Romania Situation

With Romania being quiet after I informed on Congress's No decision, I took it upon myself to try and come up with a solution. I have presented Congress 4 different options which to vote on. I am still waiting on Romania to actually offer anything different to their original negotiated offer... however they have tried to use 3rd party countries to bribe pay an amount of money to convince Ireland to sign a deal.

More recently (in the past hour) Romania has stepped up its threats to eIreland in an attempt to bully us into signing a deal that would not be beneficial to our citizens. All in all, anyone who knows eIreland, knows we are like a stubborn little dog and will not be forced into anything we disagree with it. Personally I feel it is better to fight a losing fight, then to be bent over and screwed.

Hopefully our Romanian counter part reads up on the difference between negotiation and stand over tactics.

Economics Plans

Left Bank, has made available a large cash deposit for planned economic growth. I have discussed some ideas with my cabinet and we are waiting on regional movements before putting them forward. But hopefully things go accordingly to plan and our economic citizens can make the most use out of it.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend. Like I said at the start, this would be a quick brief and once things change for more detail, I will be sure to update congress and the citizens of eIreland.

Your humble servant,
Rusty D