
Day 838, 09:35 Published in China Hungary by Hunkakaricum
http://noob.hu/2010/03/07/head.gif" border="0" />

http://noob.hu/2010/03/07/1195799003325.jpg" border="0" />

That's one of the more bizarre things I've seen!!!

my friend the admin has writen me a weird letter today

http://noob.hu/2010/03/07/lolloop.gif" border="0" />


You have received a warning from the admin with the following message: Your article " Spam = mesaj nesolicitat?" breaks the eRepublik rule against spam. All articles should be relevant to eRepublik.

he, he, he

http://noob.hu/2010/03/07/iUoAbh9ujqlpq6dawb7epGWio1_400.gif" border="0" />
