Why am I running for Congress?

Day 5,178, 02:27 Published in Japan Ireland by Hanzio

Japan is a minor state in the big picture. We are militarily weak and our bonus's are less than adequate in comparison with many of our neighbors and the world at large. Yet I feel this is the best place for new citizens to grow as there are many that reach out to new citizens and provide for a better future, despite our physical size.

Japan is relevant on the world stage, keeping time honored traditions alive far beyond other nations. There is always room for expansion in the culture sector. Every new citizen can bequeath some of his talent, and I want to protect their free speech.

I am running for Congress to help keep the country in a balanced state. I am trying to recruit slightly on Facebook, Game forums, Youtube, Twitter, and other social media sites. All in the attempt to grow our counties numbers before the next resource wars.

People here see eye-to-eye on most things and that the new Japan is one of open mindedness and often non-exclusivity. We all march to the same drum. Sometimes people bicker of Military Medals, but that is in my eyes is a small matter so long as the walls are right.

Indonesia has been a good addition to our Mutual Protection Pact scheme in my opinion, and a great place to support in wars that go epic (they do it every Tuesday). As Minister of Defense I am proud of this partnership.

Japan should seek other alliances in the future, perhaps as beneficial to our Military objectives as Indonesia has been. Our Training Wars are often timed correctly and started on time due solely on the unwavering activity of the Presidents, past and present, and their counterparts abroad.

I ask all Japanese citizens to take this game by the cajones and never let go. Make this game your servant. All Japanese citizens must unite for the big wins in the future, be they political, social, or martial.

Let's be a big family.

One big slopy kiss,
