Wanna see the end of the world?

Day 4,306, 14:07 Published in Switzerland Georgia by dan quijote

I will tell you how!*

But first, let's discuss a bit about it. Is there such a thing as the end of the world? Well, science is not very clear about the topic, but it does seem that the world will end and there are a few ways in which it can happen.

For example we know for sure that the Sun will finish its fuel and destroy its planetary system. So at least this world will end.

Then, we also have a few candidates for how the whole Universe may end. We have the second law of thermodynamics stating that the Universe will turn into a "warm soup". We have black holes swallowing huge Stars and keeping on swallowing new stuff. We have the accelerated expansion of the Universe.

So, now that we established that the event is likely to happen, the question "how can I see it?" comes naturally. Well, the answer is very simple: go to a black hole. Time does not pass in a black hole. The more you approach it, the slower time will pass for you. So, you will see the universe on fast forward. If you go close enough, you will be able to see the end of the Universe in a few minutes. However, be careful, coming back may be very difficult!

* this is a parody. Please do not try this at home!