The players have made Admin to postpone the redistribution of Raw Materials?

Day 605, 13:19 Published in Indonesia Sweden by Misho
Has the invasion of USA and Canada made Admin to postpone the re distribution of Raw Materials?

It sure looks like it.

22 days ago Admin said that the redistribution of the raw materials was scheduled for the end of July.

Yesterday Cristi Badea announce😛
The next updates that will be available in eRepublik especially in the economy module are going to interfere a lot with the distribution of raw materials. Right now this project is on hold and we'll be posting more details about this in an Insider in August.

In the same link you will find his comment regarding citizenship:
Erwin Schaumann aske😛 - Has the actual date been confirmed yet? Or will the citizenship module be postponed?
Cristi Badea answere😛 - Right now the project is under development and will be delivered in the pre-established time-frame of August-September.

Citizenship is "under developement" while Raw Materials is "on hold".

Why would Admin put the re-distribution "on hold"?

Because the players have interfered with their plans? That is my guess.

In order to establish game balance its natural to give disadvantages to strong nations like eUSA and advantages to weaker ones like eDenmark.
It's logic to strive for game balance, it makes the game more fun, more competitive and make more players invest irl money in the game to buy Gold packs and what not. I have written about this before so I won't elaborate it more here and now.

It's also logic to put a Module that might remove some Raw Material from eUSA on hold while the big and rich player base in USA are struggling for their survival.

Like I wrote in my article 'The new world faces global economic recession.. and we need help from the admin to fix it.' Citizenship and Raw materials won't be enough, its crucial for the game to change the War Module.

Sure the in-game economy will be helped from the world war, but does it make players buy gold packs? I doubt it. The fact that the World Stock of Q5 weapons increased(!) yesterday, in the middle of an epic world war, says everything about how broad masses of players look at this. It's simply put, not rewarding enough to make them invest, to do that little extra effort.

With the current War Module Peace GC has showed that attacking is just as easy as defending. With MPP-trains in attack and where both sides makes a over a million points in each battle, such a thing as a little starting wall of 50 000 points makes no difference.

The Alliances are more balanced today compared to yesterday - so don't blame the player base.

In the Player vs Player war module the defender gained a defense bonus. So when Atlantis first won over Peace GC in the Romanian - Hungarian war it was much more unbalanced power than we see today. So in that sentence the alliances are more balanced today, so the players base has done it's part of the work. Now it's up to the Game Developers to do theirs.
Atlantis won despite the fact that an attacker at that time needed to outnumber / out power a defender with a factor of 3:1 due to the defense bonus.
The defense bonus worked also in favor for the defender by the fact that neutral countries or soldiers sided with the defender in order to win easy fights and gain ranks and experience.

The current war module has no such system and make no difference for the individual soldier if s/he is attacking or defending.
Finding the right balance here is a delicate matter since it would be far worse if the defender had such a bonus that all attacks where domed to fail up front. The game need the wars just as much as it need its countries.
In the article mentioned before I suggested that an adjustment of the Defense Systems could work as a balancer making it harder to expand to new regions if your country already are big and easier to defend if your country has lost most regions and has the back up against the wall.

Who once won 303 Player vs Player fights in a raw, totally wiping out all enemies. All due to a hilarious bug. I couldn't stop fighting even when I tried to, logging out didn't work either. I passed both Cicero and Alucard Bloodlust in the ranks.
24 hours later Admin had fixed it.

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