The 1600 Index - Day 1626

Day 1,626, 03:48 Published in USA Canada by Wilhem Klink

Food has a retreat in prices from top to bottom while everything else improves for the inventory-selling-gold buying player.

The Food Index slips to an all-time low of 81.66 as the high-end (Q5 & Q6) lead the way to the bottom. On Day 1596 one could buy a Q5 food for 2.84. Now that is more than a Q6 is selling for.

Raw materials seem to have found a floor, pulling themselves off at least temporarily as food RM rebound. The Raw Material Index returns to 57.78, up from 55.56.

Yesterday, Q1 weapons held in price while all others slipped. Today Q1 still holds on price while every other quality rises, although not as much as they had slipped the previous day. Still the Weapons Index rises to 82.20 from 81.89.

Wages continued their gains pushing to a 7-day high of 260, moving the Wage Index to 88.14 from 87.12

Gold was essentially flat, falling only 2cc. The Gold Index ticked down to 119.76 from 119.88

The Graph:

A closer look at the last 10 days:

The 1600 AU Index
Based off of the amount of gold a player could earn in a year by working at market wage, selling 20 weapons, 200 food (both Q6) and 1750 raw materials (split 50/50 food/weapons) the 1600 AU Index is pressed by falling food which the rise in wages & raw materials can't overcome. The Index slips to 296.39

Moving Averages

For those unfamiliar with a "moving average", in the following charts, The blue line represents the market price at 3:00 eRep time. The red line in the 5-day moving average (average of the last 5-days) of market prices. What that tells us is whether prices are trending downward (the market price is below the moving average) or trending higher (the market price is above the moving average).

Today we're looking at the high-end (Q5 & Q6)

And Q6

Similar stories. Both had come to equilibrium with market price and the 5-day average with Q6 actually pulling its 5-day average up as prices had started to rise. Q5 have pulled slightly ahead, as of today, of it moving average.

Next, food

and Q6

Wild, wacky stuff. Q5 is a typical food graph, a long slow decline with occasional, brief rallies. But Q6 is a roller coaster: drops, spikes, cliffs. That poor 5-day average line doesn't know if its coming or going. If the graph is any indication, I'd say Q6 is due for a bounce-back. But the graph also tells me that Q6 is rather unpredictable.

We can see that with the daily percentage change (graphing the percentage change over the previous day's price)

And out bonus graphs - Raw Materials

Note: prices are reflective of a percentage of Day 1600's price (Hence the "1600 Index"). In other words if an index is quoted at 88, that days price is 88% of the price on Day 1600.

Methodology on prices: prices are taken at 3:00 eRep time. The price is the average price of buying 1,000 Raw materials, 500 Food, 100 weapons (at each quality level), and 8 gold, plus the market wage less any fraction of cc (so 240, rather than 240.1)

Sic transit gloria mundi