Tea with Titans, Winston Hope Smith

Day 4,113, 20:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Well hello there, Sethesin here. Welcome to Tea with Titans, a triannual feature here on the Skald, where I endeavor to interview the movers, the shakers, the warlords and money makers right here on eRepublik!

In this inaugural issue of Tea with Titans I'm very pleased to welcome the Party President of the Independent Labour Party, Commander of the Labour People's Army and four time CP of eIreland.

Winston Hope Smith

So without further ado, here's the interview!

Skal😛 Why do you play eRepublik?

W.H.S: I was an avid player in NationStates years and years ago, during a downturn in that game I went searching for another and found eRepublik.
That was on September 6th 2009 so just under 10 years ago. I liked the functionality of the website & the clean graphics.

Anyone who used (or still use) NationStates would know what I mean 🙂. I like the political module a lot but the promised upgrades never came.
So I slowly lost interest & add in the toxic players we had (have) in eIreland I now am just threading water.

Why I still play is an interesting question. I now consider myself the conscience of Ireland reminding people of the wrongs inflicted on our country - yes looking at you Moomoohead and others.

Skal😛 What's the difference between right and left in a pay to play economic system?

W.H.S: For starters I have never paid one cent to this game & never will. But you are right in your insinuation that their is no difference.
The age of communes is over & all I can do now is support poorer players as & when I feel they need it. I am choosy who I support & do so in private.
I ask for nothing in return including public acknowledgment.

Skal😛 New players, what annoys you the most about them?

W.H.S: That many are clearly not new players but Multies/Rebirths etc. The rules are not enforced & this annoys me.

Add in that these players then speak, pretending to be new players, with clear experience of past events. They take us for fools!

What does not annoy me about genuine new players is if they ask silly questions or make mistakes. It is a learning curve & we all need to give them time and space to learn.

Skal😛 New players & Nationalism? What's your take?

W.H.S: Nationalism is a Real Life scourge and needs to be confronted whenever and wherever to crops up. Same in-game. I get really annoyed with foreign players (not RL Irish) posting I.R.A memes and silly hurtful comments about the Troubles. This was an awful time in Ireland with many outrages on both sides. It is not to be celebrated.

However I save my real condemnation for Real Life Irish players doing same, they know better & if they were my age they would remember the horrors on our TV screens each night. It is unforgivable in my imho.

Skal😛 The old-guard, thoughts?

W.H.S: Us older players have no special abilities & deserve no special respect. We just are here longer.

Skal😛 The I.L.P. Relevant to new players or an elks club?

W.H.S: The I.L.P is the only party that stayed true to the Irish eRepublic throughout it's long history. We have never blindly followed the latest personality and always try to play honestly & fairly.

For this we have suffered abuse & decline. But these tenets will never change under my Party Presidency. We are always open to new members.

Skal😛 Asteria are currently harassing eIreland, any thoughts?

W.H.S: The L.P.A supports the creation of a new alliance (not joining a joke one) to combat Asteria.

Skal😛 Winston Smith and John the Savage, different, the same?

W.H.S: Both characters are in a world of totalitarianism. While Winston rebels in small ways he knows his acts cannot change anything. John at least tries to however the futility of the efforts leads to his suicide.

Skal😛 Pints?

W.H.S: I go dry from January to Easter (with a few days off) but my drink of choice in Peroni.

This was my first interview and I'd like to thank Winston Hope Smith for taking the time to join me here on the Skald for Tea with Titans. Always a class act and always around to help another ePlayer out.

If you'd like to read more of this type of content, let me know in the comments below! 😉

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