PPP Orthodoxy (1356) I

Day 5,574, 11:08 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Violence Seth


Once, a great Teacher took his followers to a vast desert to teach them about the nature of infinite sand, and the lessons it holds about; Pride अभिमानः, Power शक्ति, and Peace शान्तिः.

As they walked across the seemingly endless expanse, the Teacher spoke to them about the nature of Pride अभिमानः "Just as the grains of sand stretch out before us, so too can pride extend infinitely," he said. "But just as the sand can shift and change with the wind, so too can pride be fleeting and easily tossed."

Next, the Teacher spoke to them about the nature of Power शक्ति: "In this desert, we can see how the smallest grains of sand can build up over time to create mighty dunes," he said. "Imagine, all the smallest actions and decisions we make. Those actions can build up over time to create great power and influence. But just as the wind can erode even the mightiest dunes, so too can power be lost if we do not tend to it and nurture it correctly."

Finally, the Teacher spoke to his followers about the nature of Peace शान्तिः "In this desert, we can find pure peace, a peace that can only come from being fully present in the moment," he said. "The sand stretches out before us endlessly. Our petty concerns and anxieties are lost to the vastness of the sand around us. By embracing this feeling of humility, we may discover a profound tranquillity within ourselves, awaiting us impatiently."

As they continued their journey through the desert, the Teacher's followers meditated on the lessons he had taught them. Through their experiences, they came to understand that pride, a trait of both sin and virtue, can wield both blessings and curses; that power must be handled with due diligence and open compassion; and that true peace is attainable in the most unassuming moments, if we permit ourselves to be wholly mindful and unremittingly present.

The wanderers took these teachings far away from the desert and sought to embody them in their daily lives. Some spoke to others, guided by the wisdom and grace of their Teacher but none could capture the essence of his teachings. Lost forever now, under the burning sun and freezing moon, the Teacher and his teachings fade into the infinite sand, awaiting us impatiently.

Ya boi,

Seth the Magnificent