New Changes...

Day 1,330, 08:31 Published in Singapore Croatia by Grof Dubrovnik

...from Plato

Dear fellow citizens!

Today, we have been thrilled with the new changes that pertain (lo and behold!) the economic module, i.e. working in the companies and health required for work and training. The biggest change - and the one with the probably most far-reaching effect - is the limitation of workers allowed per company. This will probably bring most chagrin to so-called tycoons, i.e. the people who have serious businesses. Namely, from personal experience I know how difficult is to retain the good workers; therefore, for a long time I employ no-one. However, the days of careful balancing of the numbers of workers, factory bulletins, sending gifts to the employees etc. are long gone. On the other hand, the bot farms shall probably die quietly, so this change should be considered as the balancing of the evils. The description of changes follow, enjoy!

Working in a citizen's company:

* From now on the maximum number of employees in a company will be 5. The productivity will not be affected in any way if you have less than 5 people working for you. If you had 5 workers in your company and had job offers posted, those offers were removed due to this rule: you will not be able to post job offers if your company has 5 or more employees. If your company has more than 5 employees their number will remain like that until they decide to resign. After they resign they will not be able to get hired there until the company had less than 5 workers.


They will no longer be able to post job offers or hire employees. All existing job offers from organizations (national or not) have been removed but the current employees haven't been fired, but they will no longer have the option to get hired there if they quit.

Health requirement for working in a company:

When you work as employee, 10 health will be deducted from the citizen (instead of 1-5) no matter at what company he works.

Health requirement for training:

When you train, 10 health should be deducted from the citizen instead of 1, for each building he trains to. For example if you train with one building you will lose 10 wellness points, if you train with 2 buildings you will lose 20 wellness points and so on.