More money for the people, new tax system proposal

Day 1,087, 02:11 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur

Hello Koreans,

As presindent of the Korean Independence Party and congressman of Chungcheongnam-do I come in front of you proposing a new set of taxes. The purpose of this proposal is to discuss and to adapt our fiscal policy to the new game context and to stimulate the development of the South Korean society and economy.

You can find here the actual system of taxation – South Korea Tax grid

As you may see the burden of taxes is completely on the shoulders of citizens paying 10% of the wage as taxes.

I propose to change that by lowering the income tax to 5% to all areas, resulting in more money for the citizens to spend and to increase consume, therefore stimulating the economy. To compensate this loss in terms of income for the National Treasury, I also propose rising the level of VAT from 1% to 4%. This will result in a very small price increases that won’t have a strong impact to the market, but will make the company owners almost equal with citizens in paying taxes.

You can see below the entire grid propose😛

Since the food industry and the ticket industry are the most developed in our country I have proposed a slightly higher import tax in order to protect the local industry. I have set lower import taxes for houses because this industry is not developed at all in South Korea and imports, at least for the moment are desired.

Please feel free to discuss the proposal in comments. We can fine tune these settings and then we can put it into work inside the congress.
