kinda sad we all can't get along

Day 940, 15:46 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

After reading some articles and comments over the last few days, i decided to write my own... i think its sad when we all can't get along... ive always thought that this country is way too small for all the fighting we have always had here... and the real sad part about everything is the only time we all seem to really get along and support each other is when our country is being taken over... a lot of people do not like Bailey Labradoodle and i noticed during the time Turkey was taking our land away from us even his article wound up gettin around 15 votes as opposed to his normal 3 or 4. (even bailey can get some love during opression time) Maybe JUST maybe we wouldnt wind up getting our land taken from us every three months or so if we acted the way we do when Turkey is taking us over ALL the time.