Day 5,066, 10:43 Published in Croatia Austria by Ludi Deda


Investment gold is gold of the highest purity (99.9😵

Gold is an investment instrument that provides the investor with security, stability and resilience to negative economic phenomena such as inflation and the crisis. Saving in gold is much more profitable than saving in money that loses value over time, unlike gold.
If you’ve already encountered investing in gold, you know that the price of gold is most often expressed in dollars per ounce, a unit of mass we don’t normally use in everyday life.
Carat gold, on the other hand, is more commonly used in jewelry than in investment gold, and it is a measure that shows the purity of gold in an item. One carat roughly means 4.1667% gold in a given item, and the maximum purity is 24 carats (24 × 4.166… = 99.999…). Jewelry is most often made of 14-carat or 18-carat gold, and levers of 24-carat.
Gold bars and gold coins are produced in numerous smelters around the world, but not every smelter is equally valued. Although the amount of gold in the bars from two different smelters may be identical, their price may differ due to the reputation of the smelters. It is best to buy gold from smelters from the LBMA list (London Bullion Market Association) such as the Swiss smelter Argor-Heraeus or the German Heimerle-Meule as they are certified smelters whose products are valued worldwide.
In addition to the smelters on the LBMA list, there are also esteemed state smelters that are not on that list, but behind their products is the reputation of entire states and central banks. Examples of such smelters are the US Mint, Münze Österreich or the Croatian Monetary Institute.

cetrified and uncertified bars

Unlike ordinary gold in the form of jewelry, etc., on which VAT is paid when purchased, investment gold is exempt from all taxes throughout the EU.
Gold bars are considered investment in Europe if they are made of gold with a minimum purity of 99.5%. Most reputable mints today make bars with a gold share of 99.99%.
In order for a gold coin to be considered investment, the gold purity must be at least 90% and have a nominal value in the name in any currency (it is usually printed on one side of the gold coin). It does not matter whether that currency is valid today. For example, the investment gold coin is considered to be the gold coin "Lacemaking in Croatia" which on the one hand has a printed value of 10 kuna, but also the Yugoslav gold coin with the imprinted value in dinars or in our area extremely popular ducat Franjo Josip, which comes in two versions - single ducat ( 1 ducat) and quadruple ducat (4 ducats).

The advantage of investing in gold over investing in stocks is, in addition to non-taxability, that you can always carry certified gold with you anywhere, so for example if you need money on holiday, small gold bars will be bought by each jewelry store with a minimum commission.
In some European countries, the least gold bars can be bought even in kiosks. There are several companies in Croatia that trade in precious metals, gold and silver coins, but my choice is Banka Zlata, because you are greeted in a pleasant atmosphere by friendly staff and offered coffee or juice while preparing the desired lever and printing a certificate and invoice. Anything will help you with advice and you will get answers to your questions.

10 things about investment gold that every investor needs to know
1. Average price growth of 8.3% per year
2. Investment gold is exempt from all taxes
3. Gold is a currency that is valid all over the world
4. A one kilogram lever is the size of a smartphone
5. Gold coins do not have to be of maximum purity to be considered investment gold
6. An ounce of gold is 31.1. gram, and carat gold 4.17% gold in the mixture
7. Gold from smelters from the LBMA list is more in demand
8. Investment gold accounts for almost half of total gold demand
9. Investment gold is not the most expensive precious metal
Contrary to popular belief, investment gold is not the most expensive precious metal on the market. That honor goes to palladium which has a market price almost 40% higher than gold. The reason for this is the increased industrial demand for palladium due to its application in the production of automotive catalysts, while the supply is very limited.
10. Investment gold is available to everyone, not just the richest
Investment gold comes in denominations from one gram to large levers of one kilogram, so there is a product for everyone, regardless of financial capabilities. Also, it is possible to periodically invest smaller amounts for the purpose of continuous savings, and this is the most common form of investment in this precious metal.


Investicijsko zlato je zlato največe čistoče (99,9😵

Zlato je instrument ulaganja koji investitoru pruža sigurnost, stabilnost i otpornost na negativne ekonomske pojave poput inflacije i krize. Štednja u zlatu je puno isplativija od štednje u novcu koji s vremenom gubi vrijednost, za razliku od zlata.
Ako ste se već susretali s ulaganjem u zlato, znate da se cijena zlata najčešće izražava u dolarima po unci, mjernoj jedinici za masu koju inače ne koristimo u svakodnevnom životu.
Karat zlata, s druge strane, češće se koristi kod nakita nego kod investicijskog zlata, a radi se o mjeri koja pokazuje čistoću zlata u nekom predmetu. Jedan karat okvirno znači 4.1667% zlata u danom predmetu, a maksimalna je čistoća 24 karata (24×4.166…=99.999…). Nakit se najčešće izrađuje od 14-karatnog ili 18-karatnog zlata, a poluge od 24-karatnog.
Zlatne poluge i zlatnici proizvode se u brojnim talionicama diljem svijeta, ali nije svaka talionica jednako cijenjena. Iako količina zlata u polugama iz dvije različite talionice može biti identična, njihova se cijena može razlikovati zbog ugleda talionica. Najbolje je kupovati zlato iz talionica s LBMA popisa (London Bullion Market Association) kao što su švicarska talionica Argor-Heraeus ili njemački Heimerle-Meule s obzirom da se radi o certificiranim talionicama čiji su proizvodi cijenjeni u cijelom svijetu.
Osim talionica s LBMA popisa, još su cijenjene državne talionice koje se ne nalaze na tom popisu, ali iza njihovih proizvoda stoji ugled cijelih država i središnjih banaka. Primjer takvih talionica su US Mint, Münze Österreich ili Hrvatski novčarski zavod.

Za razliku od običnog zlata u obliku nakita i sl. na koje se pri kupnji plaća PDV, investicijsko zlato je u cijeloj EU oslobođeno svih poreza.
Zlatne poluge se u Europi smatraju investicijskim ako su izrađene od zlata čistoće minimalno 99,5%. Većina uglednih kovnica danas poluge izrađuje s udjelom zlata od 99,99%.
Da bi zlatnik bio smatran investicijskim, mora biti čistoće zlata minimalno 90% te u nazivu imati nominalnu vrijednost u bilo kojoj valuti (najčešće je otisnuta na jednoj strani zlatnika). Pri tome je nebitno je li ta valuta danas važeća. Primjerice, investicijskim zlatnikom se smatra zlatnik “Čipkarstvo u Hrvatskoj” koji s jedne strane ima otisnutu vrijednost 10 kuna, ali i jugoslavenski zlatnik s utisnutom vrijednošću u dinarima ili na našim prostorima iznimno popularni dukat Franjo Josip, koji dolazi u dvije verzije – jednostruki dukat (1 dukat) i četverostruki dukat (4 dukata).

komplet hrvatskih kuna

Prednost ulaganja u zlato nad ulaganjima u dionice je osim neoporezivosti i ta što certificirano zlato možete uvijek nositi sa sobom bilo gdje, pa tako na primjer ako na ljetovanju trebate novac, male zlatne poluge će otkupiti svaka zlatarna uz minimalnu proviziju.
U nekim Europskim državama najmanje zlatne poluge se mogu kupiti ćak i u kioscima. U Hrvatskoj postoji nekoliko tvrtki koje se bave trgovinom plemenitih metala, zlatnika i srebrnjaka, ali moj odabir je Banka Zlata, jer Vas u ugodnom ambijentu dočeka ljubazno osoblje i ponudi Vas kavom ili sokom dok priprema željenu polugu i printa certifikat i račun, a interesira li Vas bilo šta – pomoči će savjetima i dobit ćete odgovore na postavljena pitanja.

10 stvari o investicijskom zlatu koje svaki ulagač mora znati
1. Prosječni rast cijene od 8.3% godišnje
2. Investicijsko zlato oslobođeno je svih poreza
3. Zlato je valuta koja vrijedi u cijelom svijetu
4. Poluga od jednog kilograma veličine je pametnog telefona
5. Zlatnici ne moraju biti maksimalne čistoće da bi se smatrali investicijskim zlatom
6. Unca zlata iznosi 31.1. gram, a karat zlata 4.17% zlata u smjesi
7. Zlato iz talionica s LBMA popisa je traženije
8. Investicijsko zlato čini gotovo polovicu ukupne potražnje za zlatom
9. Investicijsko zlato nije najskuplji plemeniti metal
Unatoč uvriježenom mišljenju, investicijsko zlato nije najskuplji plemeniti metal na tržištu. Ta čast odlazi paladiju koji ima tržišnu cijenu gotovo 40% veću od zlata. Razlog tomu je povećana industrijska potražnja za paladijem zbog njegove primjene u proizvodnji automobilskih katalizatora, dok je ponuda vrlo ograničena.
10. Investicijsko zlato dostupno je svima, ne samo najbogatijima
Investicijsko zlato dolazi u apoenima od jednog grama do velikih poluga od jednog kilograma, tako da postoji proizvod za svakoga, bez obzira na financijske mogućnosti. Također, moguće je periodično ulaganje manjih svota u svrhu kontinuirane štednje, a upravo je to najčešći oblik ulaganja u ovaj plemeniti metal.

Salute from Ludi Deda and ENDORSE FOR SOME GOLD COIN or some stronger faster plain