Delta Force Aviation Academy - Week 1 EN / RO

Day 4,452, 05:25 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by Delta Force Org

As some of you already know this week, the Aviator Support Program is resumed, which took place over the past year, but this year's program has some pretty important changes to the participation rules.


1. Delta Force Aviation Academy - is a private program sponsored by private funds.
2. Killings in air battles - to benefit from support within the program, only the killings from air battles are taken into account, the award being 5 cc / kill (With a maximum of 20,000 cc / eRepublik week)
3. As a member of the Delta Force Military Unit - In order to participate in this program the player must be a member of the UM Delta Force.
4. Daily combat orders - the fulfillment of 7 combat orders per week brings a bonus of 10% of the amount obtained at the award of the killings (example prize 20000 cc, 7 daily orders fulfilled 2000 cc bonus = total prize 22000 cc)
5. Legend rank on the ground - anyone who can enroll in the program as long as the ground rank is lower than Legend I, as well as with the promotion to the rank Legend I, it also brings the graduation of the program
6. Battles at order - the fight at order brings with it a separate 3 cc / kill award separate from the weekly award (example prize 20000 cc, 7 daily orders 2000, 100 kills on order 300 cc = total prize 22300 cc)
7. Promotion of aircraft rank - any air rank up brings with it 1000 cc bonus which is added to the weekly prize (example promotion from aviator to aviator * = 1000 cc)
8. Temporary bonuses - Depending on the funds available, bonuses can be offered in: money, food, weapons, houses, special packages.
9. The distribution of prizes - The distribution of prizes within the program is made during Tuesday for the killings of the previous eRepublik week.
10.Present on TELEGRAM - For a better coordination and to benefit from the award in the order battles, the presence of the participants in the Delta Force HQ chat is mandatory

For any questions ... please leave a message on the article or send me a message on the game.

Thank you for your attention and participation.

With respect Stephan Condurachis (2nd Commander of UM Delta Force) and katze.17 (Captain of UM Delta Force).

Dupa cum unii deja stiti incepand cu saptamana aceasta se reia Programul de sustinere a aviatorilor, care s-a desfasurat de-a lungul anului trecut, dar programul de anul acesta are cateva modificari destul de importante aduse regulamentului de participare.


1. Academia de Aviatie Delta Force - este un program privat sponsorizat din fonduri private.
2. Killurile in cadrul luptelor aeriene - pentru a beneficia de sustinere in cadrul programului se iau in calcul doar killurile de la luptele aeriene, premierea fiind de 5 cc / kill (cu un maxim de 20000 cc / saptamana eRepublik)
3. Calitatea de membru al Unitatii Militare Delta Force - pentru a participa in acest program jucatorul trebuie sa fie membru al UM Delta Force.
4. Ordinele de lupta zilnice - indeplinirea a 7 ordine de lupta pa saptamana aduce un bonus de 10% din suma obtinuta la premierea killurilor (exemplu premiu 20000 cc, 7 ordine zilnice indeplinite 2000 cc bonus = total premiu 22000 cc)
5. Rangul de Legenda la sol - oricine se poate inscrie in program atata timp cat rangul la sol este inferior Legenda I, deasemenea odata cu promovarea la rangul Legenda I, acesta aduce si absolvirea programului
6. Luptele la ordin - lupta la ordin aduce cu sine o premiere separata de 3 cc / kill separat de premierea saptamanala (exemplu premiu 20000 cc, 7 ordine zilnice 2000, 100 killuri la ordin 300 cc = premiu total 22300 cc)
7. Promovarea rangului aerian - orice rang up aerian aduce cu sine 1000 cc bonus care se adauga la premiul saptamanal (exemplu promovarea de la aviator la aviator* = 1000 cc)
8. Bonusuri temporare - in functie de fondurile disponibile se pot oferi bonusuri in orice … bani, alimente, arme, case, pachete speciale.
9. Distrubuirea premiilor - distribuirea premiilor in cadrul programului se face in cursul zilei de marti pentru killurile din saptamana eRepublik anterioara.
10.Prezenta pe TELEGRAM - Pentru o mai buna coordonare si pentru a beneficia de premierea in cadrul luptelor la ordin , prezenta participantilor pe chatul Delta Force HQ este obligatorie

Pentru orice nelamuriri ... va rog sa lasati un mesaj la articol sau sa imi trimiteti un mesaj pe joc.

Va multumesc pentru atentie si participare.

Cu respect Stephan Condurachis (Al II-lea Comandant al UM Delta Force) si katze.17 (Capitan al UM Delta Force).