Chronicles of a Travelling Soldier Part 1

Day 405, 10:20 Published in Russia Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

*Story written by me this time.*

I woke up dazed, and confused. There was no gunfire. There were no airplanes. There were the sound of helicopters though, and I attempted to move. Pain was everywhere that instant, and I let out a scream. A doctor rushed to me. On his tag it said, "Commune Medic". He quickly stuck a needle in me, and I collapsed.

*10 minutes later*

I woke up again. I was feeling much better. I attempted to get up, and I felt fine. I saw that I was in a temporary hospital, and Red Army soldiers, with former White Army soldiers were mingling. I calmly walked, picked up my rifle from the armory at the end of the camp, and asked one of the guards what was happening. He replied with enthusiasm, "Iranian special forces, they're coming with helicopters and tanks. A Spanish helicopter with men is also coming." My knees felt weak.. foreign support was on its way. I ran towards the front lines, were explosions rocked the ground. I saw a man with a machine gun, sitting on top of a tank, with a bazooka near him. The built in machine gun of the tank was also firing, deafening everyone. A soldier holding the MG's ammo beckoned me over.

"Hello sir, this is Comrade Mombassa. He has a lust for battle. Keep him alive, we need him", the soldier said.

I asked the soldier, "What is your name? Who would hold his ammo when they could be fighting"

He replied quickly, " I am Heymans! I secured some ammo from some friends who were practicing, and am defending the tank with Mombassa."

I nodded quickly, and ran forward, aiming at a Romanian soldier. He sat atop a tank, firing at us. I put my hand on the trigger, and pulled it. It hit him in the arm, and he fell off the tank. I nearly cheered my shot, when I realized what was in front of us. A line of tanks, machine guns, mortars. I nearly ran, when I heard the sound of helicopters, and tanks. But they were behind me. I turned around, and saw paratroopers landing with us, while a battalion of tanks followed, and an escort of attack choppers flew overhead. I reloaded, and opened fire on the enemies again. I looked at the watch I held, and gulped. 5 minutes until the battle would end, and the victor would emerge. I looked around, and our troops looked ready. I yelled out "CHARGE!" and we ran forward, the helicopters flying low, destroying the enemy tanks. I began to laugh, as I charged, for the Romanians were blowing up their own tanks with friendly fire.

We blew them up, and secured the region. The Romanian survivors quickly escaped in civilian aircraft. The Iranian troops who had come to help, saluted us and left, in large Boeing's, built to carry their tanks. The Spanish support that had come saluted us as well, and left in a similar fashion. I looked around, and saw numerous casualties on both sides. A statue of Manifesto lay smashed, blown to bits by enemy gunfire. I turned around, and then fell over from a sudden pain in my knee....