Buttons & More Informations (All in One) - Guide for New Citizens

Day 5,101, 10:21 Published in USA Greece by B I T E R

Hello eRepublikans. There's another Guide for New Citizens, that you can share it anytime you want to your new friends. Hope is useful and understandable enough to make their "lives" easier in our game.

Any kind of donation is well appreciated it: Donation.
The best for our community that built all this years o7! 🙏


Homepage is the first page you will see after log-in to eRepublik. You can get back here any time by clicking the House on the left of the main menu bar or by clicking the eRepublik logo on the top left. Most of the pages in eRepublik will have the header, the main menu and the sidebar.

For organizations, only the header and the sidebar are being shown in the homepage.


● Your Citizenship and Name
● Your Location (Residence)
● Server Clock - eRepublik Day, real date followed by the eRepublik time (GMT-8 )
● Search - You can only search for alive citizens/organizations
● Logout button on the far right
Main menu
Just below the header, the main menu can be found. The menu is present on almost all eRepublik pages. It has 6 main categories-buttons.

● The first button leads to the homepage (explained earlier how it works)
● Hovering over the second button will reveal My places submenu.
● The wars button leads to the war list.
● Hovering over the fourth button will reveal Market submenu.
● Hovering over the fifth button will reveal Community submenu.
● Last button, the Gold & Extras button, leads to the Shop page. Please note that the when visiting the shop, the main menu is not visible any more and it is replaced by the Gold and Extras menu (see below); however, above that menu will be an arrow icon that will lead back to the homepage.
My places
My places is the second option on the Main menu and consists of 8 options.

My places is also a shortcut (SHIFT+L keyboard shortcut) that actually leads to the companies option where a citizen can easily see 4 out of the 8 aforementioned options.

There are some page shortcuts or keybinds that ease your activities while playing the game. Instead of saving certain features to bookmarks, there are key combinations that lead you directly to important pages:

This page is about the in-game War module. For a historical list of wars that have occurred in eRepublik, see Category: Wars

War list is the third option on the main menu. Click "Wars" to see a list of active wars.

Wars were first released in eRepublik Rising on Day 792 (Jan 20, 2010), and replaced the previous module that was used in Version 1. The wars interface has been re-designed several times, last major redesign was done in May 2020.
The wars interface contains a list of wars which you can easily customise using the filters, which can then be saved as a preset. You can filter the wars using different types of battles or simply by searching by the country, alliance, region or city.

The below icons are in the same order as they appear within the campaign tile, from top, left to bottom, right.

The country on the left is the attacking country, and the country on the right is the defending country.
Enriched filters are available on the top of the campaigns interface. You can filter the campaigns by 7 different categories, filtering between different categories uses the AND logic, whereas filters within each of the category using the OR logic.

Example 1:
Filters selected: War: Direct War, Progress: Epic Battle.
Filtered results: Only direct battles in the epic state will be displayed.

Example 2:
Filters selected: War: Direct War, Progress: Epic Battle, Progress: Cold Battle.
Filtered results: Only direct battles in either Epic or Cold state will be displayed.

When selecting filters, the selected filter will appear in the search bar. You can remove any of the filters by clicking on the "X" to the right of the filter within the search bar.

Instead of selecting the options within each of the filters category, you can also filter campaigns by searching for specific filters via the search bar.



The Allies filter will enable you to filter campaigns of:
● countries which are in the same Alliance as your citizenship country;
● countries which have an active Mutual protection pact with your citizenship country.

The Country filter will enable you to filter campaigns of:
● your citizenship country;
● your citizenship country and your countries allies;
● any other eRepublik Country


The events filter will enable you to filter campaigns based on terrain they are held :

● My Terrains
● Industrial
● Urban
● Suburbs
● Airport
● Plains
● Wasteland
● Mountains
● Beach
● Swamp
● Mud
● Hills
● Jungle
● Forest
● Desert

Preset allows saving a single or combination of filters to a favourites list. With the use of presets, you will be able to switch between filters with a very minimal effort. There is a limit of 5 presets per citizen. To create a new preset, follow the following steps:

● Make a selection of the relevant filters;
● Click on star icon in the right corner of the filter search bar;
● Enter the preset name and press save.
All saved presets can be selected from the Presets tab on the Wars page

To update a preset, ensure you have selected the preset, make any changes to the filters and click on the update preset icon. You will have an option to either update your current preset or save your filters as a new preset.
The market is the fourth option on the main menu. Hover over "Market" to view the various markets available in eRepublik.

The Community is the fifth option on the main menu.

Gold and Extras
Gold and Extras (Gold & Extras) is sixth option on the main menu.

The whole Gold and Extras page is dedicated sub-menu for four different types:

Shop is where citizens can exchange real money or game tokens for game items
Gold store is where citizens can exchange gold for game items
Gold bonus page is where citizens can collect their gold gathered from citizens they invited.
Loyalty program is a program where citizens can enter when he/she buys gold for real money
Please note that clicking on the button Gold & Extras will actually lead to the shop page.
The profile page can be easily accessed by clicking on a citizen name or avatar. The easiest way to access your profile page is clicking on your citizen name on the profile sidebar that can be found on most eRepublik pages.

All information about eRepublik citizen is divided into two main pillars with several sections.

Profile where the top of the two pillars can be seen:
--> Left starting with the photo
--> Right starting with level and citizen's name.
This view is shown when visiting your own profile as you can also see the menu in the right pillar.
Right pillar
Citizen information is structured by 9 sections:

1. Top section
2. About me
3. Achievements
4. Military attributes
5. Decorations
6. True patriot
7. Top damage in a campaign
8. Guerrilla fights history
9. Mass destruction weapons history

Top section
The top section contains a few of the most important information:

Experience level (e.g. 742). Hovering over the level icon, the following will be shown: current experience points and points needed to reach next level
● Citizen's name
● When viewing another citizen's profile following can be seen:
- the green bar below the player's name indicates that they are online
- the grey bar below the player's name indicates that they are offline
● On the right there are features visible if it is not your profile you are viewing
If you are viewing your own profile, just below citizen's name there is a menu with four links:

About me
About me section contains wikilink to the Citizen's Page on the Official eRepublik Wiki. If it is your own profile, the description can be edited by going to your Edit profile page.

Here is where achievements of a citizen can be found.
Citizens can be involved in different aspects of eRepublik such as the economy, politics, military and media. The number of achievements is marked with the number in the trophy.

In a previous article, im explaining what Achievements are and the rewards that are giving: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-19-different-achievements-in-the-game-guide-for-new-citizens-2740506/1/20

Military attributes

Here is where the following can be found about the citizen:

● Ground information

Military rank, their level and progress to the next level

● Airforce information

● Perception
● Aircraft rank, their level and progress to the next level


Under the Decorations section, all sorts of decorations that have been awarded to the citizen can be found. Decorations are granted for acts of great valour in tournaments and events of the New World.

In a previous article, you can see all Decorations exsisted in eRepublik: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/all-decorations-from-events-in-history-of-erepublik-2007-2021-2730789/1/20

True patriot history

Here is where the current citizen's True patriot medal progress is shown. If citizen changes citizenship, a new line will appear with true patriot history where how much damage was dealt for the first citizenship country. If citizenship is changed again, both progress bars will be seen and so on.

For more informations about True Patriot you can also red my previous article: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-19-different-achievements-in-the-game-guide-for-new-citizens-2740506/1/20

Top damage in campaign

Here is where the current citizen's top damage in a campaign is shown. Amount of damage, country, day and battle of the top damage are listed.

Guerrilla fight history

Guerrilla fights sections shows the number of won and lost guerrilla fights.

Mass destruction weapons history

The mass destruction weapons history shows the number of small bombs and big bombs used by the citizen and the last battle in which the weapon was used.

Left pillar
In the left pillar, there are two separate columns:

● Basic citizen information
● Extended citizen Information

In the left pillar, the basic information about the citizen can be found.

Basic citizen information

● Citizen's avatar
● Special badges given only in certain situations.
eRepublik Elite Citizen
- A badge which is given after reaching experience level and completing Your missio n(I).
eRepublik Ambassador
- A special badge which denotes ambassador status. It can not be earned easily.
Game Moderator
- Special badges which are awarded only to game moderators.
Plato Foundation Member
- A badge added for the members of Plato Foundation Project.
● Location and Travel (change) button
● Change citizenship button is only shown if it differs from the country location.
Personal tittle
● eRepublik Birthday
● National rank

Extended citizen Information

● Political activity
Country tittles (if any)
Party tittles
Party member
● Avatar, name and economical orientation of the party

● Military activity
● Position inside of the unit (Commander, Second commander, Captain or Soldier)
● Avatar and name of the Military unit

Press director
● Avatar and name of the newspaper

● Resident
● Citizen's residence

Note: If the citizen has nothing mentioned above it will also be noted down (e.g. No political activity; No Residence City...)

● Friends and the number of all friends citizen has
● 9 friends' avatars are shown
● Upon clicking view all, you will be redirected to the full list of friends (which is the same as if you would check your friends by clicking the aforementioned friends tab above).
Other features
When you visit the profile of another citizen, you will not see all of the information that you can see about yourself. You will also have some additional options.

The seven buttons in the top right corner:
Block citizen - block citizen from receiving in-game private messages and any notifications relating to article or post comments
Add as friend/Remove friend - add (or remove) from the friends list
Send message - send an in-game private message to another citizen
Report abuse - pops up the window to report that citizen
Donate items - enables the page where you can donate items
Donate money - enables the page where you can donate money
Send a gift - pops up page where you can choose one of the packs to send to a citizen

When you block a citizen, in case that citizen is in the same group message as you are, you will see the text [Blocked user message] instead of his/hers actual message.
When you unblock that user, those hidden messages will become visible again.
When you block a citizen, it automatically removes him/her from your friends list. He/she will be able to send you friend requests afterwards and you receive the notification, but you won't be able to accept it.
Banned or Deceased players will also have a notice on their profile page stating that they are dead or banned.
Daily tasks
Daily tasks are simple reminders of what a player should do every day to maintain activity. They consist of two main activities: working in a company and training in the training grounds. If you complete your daily tasks, you will get a reward of one strength and one experience point each day these tasks are completed.

Introduction of Ghost Booster

If you complete your daily tasks for 5 days in row, you will get 5 XP and 5 strength, instead of 1 XP and 1 strength.

On the Day 3,046 (Mar 23, 2016), the Ghost booster was introduced in the game and it was added as an additional reward upon completing the daily tasks.

There's also a military task you can solve. Therefore you need to defeat 25 enemies on the battlefield your commander or captain of the military unit you are in demands of you. This is called the Daily order.

If you have completed daily order and daily tasks, they will disappear from the homepage until the next day.

Military campaigns
Military campaigns section provides the list of current ongoing battles.

It links to work and train pages, and when you have done all your daily tasks, you can click the "Get reward" button to receive your daily reward.

The order in which the campaigns are being shown, is the same as in the Wars page, that is:

1.My contributions
2.Campaign of the day
3.Country's campaigns
4.Country's allies
5.All campaigns
My contributions are shown only if you fought in a campaign. It contains only ongoing battles.

Campaign of the day (aka CoD) is shown only if it is set. Campaign of the day can be set by the country president.

If none of the allies has an ongoing battle, in the Country's allies it will show the message Your allies are currently not involved in any military campaigns.

This section shows only 5 battles in total from all categories.

More military campaigns link will lead you to page where you'll see every single battle you can fight. The Latest events link will lead you to the latest events page of the country you are located in.

If Country President elections or Congress elections are in progress, a blue "Vote now" button will appear at the top of a citizen's homepage if they have not yet voted. Clicking the "Vote now" button will take them to the voting screen. Additionally, if the citizen is in a party, the Vote button will also appear if Party Presidential elections are in progress.

This section gives access to news in eRepublik. There are 8 different news categories:

● All categories
● First steps in eRepublik
● Battle orders
● Warfare analysis
● Political debates and analysis
● Financial business
● Social interactions and entertainment
● Newspaper subscriptions

Click one of the categories to see articles about subjects you're interested in.

By clicking the gears button to the left, you can set the Default settings which help filter the news you want to be displayed under news categories:

Country : Articles published in that country
Order : Latest Articles or Top Rated Articles

By default, in this section you can view 5 articles in the selected category. To view more, press the "more news" button, which will show 5 more, 10 in total. By clicking the "See all" button, it will redirect you to the News page.

Citizen feeds
The citizen feeds are little messages (AKA shouts) that you can make to your friends. Your friends are able to respond to these shouts by commenting on them and vote them.

● You can make a new post every 5 minutes.
● Your posts are limited to 280 characters and you can't use any code in the posts (HTML, BBCode, JavaScript). Same for coding-specific symbols such as ''.
● Links will be parsed automatically. In-game links may be shortened and without any redirects, while off-game links will open a new tab and redirect into "Security notification" before progressing any further. Article links will turn into a small article preview within the post.
● Comments can be 480 characters long at most.
● Comments can also be voted by hovering the "Like" button and selecting a reaction.
● The number of votes is visible in the shout/comment. As for now, you are not able to view which citizen did what reaction.
● The number of comments, if there is any, also appears near the buttons "Comment" and "Like".

When you create, comment or like a post, you will be considered as a subscriber in the post. This means you will receive a notification whenever a new comment is made to the subscribed post.

The homepage views the 10 most recent posts made by your friends (without considering the medal posts). To see more, click the "Older posts" button at the bottom.

Comments are shown all at once, with the oldest ones being first.

If you achieve battle/sky/campaign/resistance hero or mercenary medal, you can publish an automated post in your feed. Same applies for guerrilla fights wins.

If you are viewing a post of a non-friend (which can occur by clicking the link to the post someone shared), you can read the post and its comments normally, but you can't vote or comment. Trying to write a comment will show the message "You are not friends with this citizen" and the Comment button will turn into grey.

On Day 3,955 (28th September 2018 ), length of posts has increased from 140 to 280 characters.

A citizen can view at max 5 tabs. From left to right:

Citizenship country
● Friends
Military unit
● Community

In the country feed, the only citizens who can post are the [url=]https://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Governmentgoverment[/url], congress members and Party presidents. One can make a new post every 1 hour. Anyone can vote/comment on these posts. Also, the latest events of that country are being posted, such as wars and laws.

In the friends tab, if you don't have any friends, you can't see any posts. In this case, you see the option to find a new friend. With the find friends feature, you can import your email contacts and the game will see if any of them play eRepublik.

In the MU feed, the Commander can post messages either as himself either as the MU. The latter will be pinned in the top of that feed's messages and it will remain pinned for 1 week. Also, the current Daily Order will be shown above the messages.

The Community tab, is used for announcements made by Plato regarding changes and events.

As always, you can offer feedback by Endorsing the article and being Subscriber.