400 de ani de la razboiul de 30 de ani/ 400 years since the 30 years war

Day 4,001, 10:39 Published in Romania Georgia by dan quijote

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Cum ar fi daca am putea sa ne alegem la profil religia. Ar putea fi la fel de relevanta ca perceptia la aviatie si ar putea fi chiar open text, fiecare sa scrie ce vrea.

Ma gandeam ca asta e un joc de razboi si de foarte multe ori religia a fost extrem de aproape de razboi. Poate ca niciodata nu a fost mai aproape decat in razboiul de 30 ani, care a inceput acum 400 de ani, in 1618.

In 1618 Imparatul catolic al Imperiului German, cu capitala la Viena, decide sa atace o regiune subordonata, Boemia, cu capitala la Praga. Motivul: populatia predominant protestanta alungase regele catolic pe care il aveau si adusesera un rege protestant (si-au luat teapa, era alt fel de protestant si le-a distrus bisericile mai rau decat se presupune ca ar fi facut-o regele catolic).

Harta cu Boemia in cadrul Imperiului German:

Imparatul catolic castiga. Regele protestant, e alungat si ramane cu porecla "regele de o iarna" pentru ca doar o iarna a reusit sa domneasca.

Dar celelalte regate/principate/teritorii protestante din Imperiu se simt amenintate. Danemarca protestanta isi trimite armata in sprijinul protestantilor din Imperiu si mai incepe o runda de lupte castigate in cele din urma tot de Imparatul catolic.

Cand vede ca de vreo 12 ani fortele protestante tot isi iau bataie, Suedia protestanta se decide sa intre si ea in joc. Asa ca armata Suediei le ia locul danezilor in Germania si se lupta alaturi de protestanti contra catolicilor. Deloc surprinzator, Imparatul catolic castiga si mai are putin si ii alunga si pe Suedezi.

Atata doar ca lucrul asta nu ii convine deloc Frantei catolice. O fi vrand Cardinalul Richelieu sa castige catolicii, dar asta ar fi insemnat ca Franta sa fie prinsa intre 2 imperii Habsburgice: Spania (unde veneau in continuu corabii incarcate cu bogatii din recent descoperita America) si Germania. Asa ca Franta catolica se roaga pentru iertarea pacatelor si sprijina, la inceput discret, apoi din ce in ce mai activ, fortele protestante.

Intre timp nemtii se cam plictisesc de razboi, mai ales ca desi fortele combatante sunt din multe tari, luptele au loc in Germania. Asa ca protestantii din Imperiu isi aduc aminte ca au un imparat la Viena si i se alatura ca sa ii alunge pe invadatorii franco-suedezi. Deja se lupta o forta catolico-protestanta contra unei alte forte catolico-protestante.

Dupa 30 ani de razboi (da, razboiul de 30 de ani chiar a tinut 30 de ani) si vreo 4 ani de negocieri se semneaza in sfarsit tratatul de pace (de fapt mai multe tratate). Negocierile s-au tinut in doua orase. In unul negociau catolicii si in altul protestantii.

Desigur, ce am scris eu e o versiune simplificata si, probabil, cu erori. Razboiul de 30 de ani a fost mult mai complex. Au fost implicate multe tari, de exemplu Spania, Marea Britanie si Imperiul Otoman. Luptele s-au purtat, pe langa Germania, si in Franta, Spania, Italia, Olanda, chiar si America de Sud, Africa si Asia. Probabil ca ar trebui sa se cheme Razboiul Mondial Zero (WW0).

Urmarile au fost si ele pe masura. In primul rand constiinta colectiva europeana a fost profund marcata, in special in Germania. Practic nici un oras nu a ramas neatins de razboi. Pentru unele regiuni urmarile au fost dramatice: Boemia avea o populatie de 3 milioane la inceputul razboiului si de 800 de mii la final. Orasul Magdeburg avea 30.000 de locuitori cand a fost atacat in 1631. Doar 5000 au supravietuit. Apoi, Franta a devenit o super putere la nivel european. Iar alte tari au aparut pur si simplu pe harta, precum Olanda si Elvetia.

How would it be if we could choose our religion in the erep profile? It could be as relevant as aviation perception and it could even be open text, everybody can write whatever they want. I guess it would be fun.

I was thinking that this is a war game and very often religion was extremely close to war. Perhaps it has never been closer than in the 30-year war, which began 400 years ago, in 1618.

In 1618, the Catholic Emperor of the German Empire decided to attack a subordinate region, Bohemia. The reason: the Protestant population defenestred their Catholic King, and brought a Protestant King (it did not go as planne😛 the new King was a different type of Protestant and destroyed the churches worse than the Catholic King would have presumably done).

Map of Bohemia within the German Empire:

The Catholic Emperor wins. The Protestant King is banished and remains nicknamed "the King of a Winter" because that is how long he reigned.

But the other Protestant kingdoms in the Empire feel threatened. Protestant Denmark sends its army to support the Protestants in the Empire. A new war begins. After a few years, the Catholic Emperor wins again.

After 12 years, Protestant Sweden decides to intervene because they see the protestants keep loosing. So the Swedish army enters Germany and fights alongside the Protestants and against the Catholics. Not surprisingly, the Catholic Emperor wins again and is very close to driving out the Swedes.

But this is not to the liking of Catholic France at all. Cardinal Richelieu may want catholicism to win, but that would mean that France would be caught between two Habsburg empires: Spain and Germany. So Catholic France supports the Protestant forces. At first discreetly, then more and more active, until full scale war.

Event though the fighting forces are from many countries, the fighting is taking place mainly in Germany. So, the Germans decide that enough is enough. The Protestants in the Empire remember that they have an Emperor in Vienna and join him in order to chase the Franco-Swedish invaders out of the country. Now we have a Catholic-Protestant force fighting against another Catholic-Protestant force.

After 30 years of war (yes, the 30-year war lasted 30 years) and some 4 years of negotiations, a peace treaty is finally signed (actually several treaties, but we don't go into details). Negotiations took place in two cities. In one negotiated the Catholics and the other Protestants.

The 30-year war has been much more complex than this over simplified, poorly written and approximate story. Many countries have been involved, for example, Spain, the Netherlands and the Ottoman Empire, and the fighting took place not only in lot of European countries, but also in South America, Africa and Asia. Probably it should be called World War Zero (WW0).

It has also had a long lasting impact. First of all, European collective memory has been deeply marked, especially in Germany. Virtually no city has remained untouched by war. For some regions, the consequences were dramatic: Bohemia had a population of 3 million at the beginning of the war and 800,000 at the end. The city of Magdeburg had 30,000 inhabitants when it was attacked in 1631. Only 5000 survived. Another consequence of the war was that France became an European super power. Also, some countries appeared on the map, like the Netherlands and Switzerland.