2% ➡️ 5% Work Taxes - Results

Day 3,731, 01:10 Published in USA USA by Marcelaxy

So, the 5% work taxes have been in place for a whole eDay, so let's see how it turned out.

- Day 3729 was the last day with mostly 2% Work Tax

- From Day 3729 to 3730 we lost no major region

Work as Manager

Eventhough the tax was multiplied by 2.5, the WaM income has only multiplied by 1.81

Day 3729 equals 45128 works as manager of eUS citizens in eUS facilities.
Day 3730 equals 32716 works as manager of eUS citizens in eUS facilities.

Foreigners with eUS facilities and especially eUS citizens with foreign facilites are less impacted by the tax increase.


(Work as an employee of an eUS citizen)

The income here has increased by 88.4%.

This means that the number of works eUS employers received has been reduced by 25%

At the average wage of 277.48cc, the total number of works of eAmerican employers have been decreased from 4535 to 3417. (my employees make up more than 1/4 of that. You're welcome.)
A loss of 1118 eployees.


The VAT income has been decreased by 42%. This is due to the decreased WaM and Work but also the lower demand due to citizens being robbed by the pfail government.

As you see, the panic politics are destroying the eAmerican economy.
A moderate Tax increase, let's say 2 -> 3% would'e been less impactful to the economy while still considerably increasing the tax income.