[Sign up!] Risk - First Opium/Spamican War

Day 5,560, 09:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Afternoon gents o/

For those unfamiliar, this is a team based mini-game strongly influenced by the boardgame Risk.

Previously we played based on Ireland at 800AD (Vikings, Saxons and, funnily enough, the Irish).

Here we’ll be loosely recreating the Opium Wars with the teams as the Great Qing/Spamicans (defending), East India Company (invading) and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (rebelling).

All 3 start off as mutually hostile but are free to engage in diplomacy/skullduggery if they wish. Players can defect to other teams during play (so long as the other team accepts them).

You can sign up for whatever team you like, or just put ‘anywhere’ if you don’t mind.

Proposed board-

Apologies for my dodgy paint skills

Each controlled region recruits every player on your team a soldier each turn. Controlling a coloured set doubles the intake from those regions.

Battles are fought the same way as Risk (though automatically processed).

If either side has enough soldiers, the attacker will roll 3 dice and the defender 2. The defender's roll always wins on a tie.


'>Attacker rolls 6, 5, 5. Defender rolls 6, 5. Attacker loses 2 soldiers.

>Attacker rolls 6, 5, 1. Defender rolls 6, 4. Both lose 1 soldier.

>Attacker rolls 6, 2, 1. Defender rolls 5, 1. Defender loses 2 soldiers.

Der Rulz (more or less same from last game)-

>Moves need to be posted in the comments for a fair gamelog and other teams to react.

Attacking - Battles are ‘first come first served’ to prevent different teams from attacking the same region. You must border a region at the start of a turn to attack it. Attacking a player before they've moved locks them in.

Defending/Moving - If not locked in, you can help reinforce/move towards a region if within 2 owned ‘tiles’ on the board (e.g. Roscommon -> Galway -> Clare). Otherwise you can post 'defend (region)' to stay still.

Casualties - Soldiers are individually lost in order of who posted their move first. Losing all your soldiers will result in defeat. The last attacking player will ‘retreat’ rather than risk their last unit to avoid this but get no soldier intake.

Defeat - Defeated players will respawn next turn in their Capital with one soldier (themselves). If this region is captured and all teammates are wiped off the board, defeat is considered total.

So if the above looks good and you’re interested in taking part, just post below and we’ll start organizing the teams 🙂

Good luck folk!