[Q America] Rosa: The Wrong Choice for eAmerica

Day 3,730, 10:46 Published in USA USA by King James88
Rosa: The Wrong Choice For eAmerica

Yet again Croatia continues their march into the Show Me State. The clear indicator that it's not showing me anything but the mere failures of the Pfeiffer Administration. The fault is in not in the stars, it is with Pfeiffer.

The flood of embarrassment and shame continues. Speaking about shame embarrassment I speak about the never ending clown Rosa Violet Carson. If we are dared to dream why should we listen to Rosa. A CP candidate trapped in her own delusions about the downfall of eAmerica which is the result of the arrogant and "detached-from-reality" elitist clique echoing the calls of disaster when in fact the reality Rosa herself is the disaster. It is not the oligarch's blame. The real reason people like Rosa that want to divide the masses. Still Rosa may have a point but yet truth is in the pudding when we stare straight at Rosa.

The only sad story is one of Rosa Violet Carson that continues attack others in a meaningless crusade. Her paranoia mounts only proving modus operandi of the corrupt leadership forever is only a figment of a lie she continues to repeat in her mind to relay to convince others to believe her. My advice please get a psychiatrist you need help which you are clearly not the country president we need right now and surely not the one we deserve.

If we are going to end the backstabbing of former allies and appease to the stronger countries we must examine our souls what are goals are as a eNation. Who are we going to support? Who are we not going to support? Which nations will help reach our goals and which will not? Even still due to congress voting for Pleiffer's assault on Croatia we find ourselves being attacked in the homeland because of a poor judgment. Rosa is correct if we continue on this path, it will lead us to destruction. If Rosa continues attacking others, it will lead her to destroy her political future. Just a loud voice that everyone has learned to ignore.

To be clear everyone on the ballot is an alternative to Rosa Violet Carson. Everyone on the ballot is qualified as far of what we may think Pfeiffer running for re-election. Salty himself is more than qualified. He has been in the Socialist Freedom Party for a long time that has a plan. Because of this war he sees the reality that the work tax must be raised because of this failed botched decision against Croatia that our eNation must raise the funds necessary in order to stave off to beat back Croatian forces in the eUSA homeland. Consider Salty has put together a cabinet full of experienced people it will only make him succeed. That is what a leader is which he has knowledge to carry eUSA forward making the right choices for the people he wants to work with if elected. Salty is a team player who wants to bridge the divide and bring our nation together without attacking others for their personal gain.

Reset and start anew to reset of passwords of all government organization would set a precedence that is dangerous. It would only create a new layer of bureaucracy. It is already transparent enough that it works. Trust me I worked in eUS media when I was known as Schubacca on my previous. If it's not broke don't fix it. It functions just fine.

Giving org-accounts to the political & military bodies is an intriguing idea. This one of the few ideas I can probably get behind that is on Rosa's current CP platform. To an extent it would help political parties especially military bodies to function better so they can develop better members from within so they become more powerful on the battlefield.

On Rosa's platform she calls to form an independent economic council which would involve company owners she plans to lead. This sounds what Trump did in RL which ended up a real failure. Basically I would expect the same to occur in this game. Sorry we can't afford Trumpist ideas for eAmerica nor eAmerica can't afford Rosa.

If we set ourselves up in foreign affairs to be a success we must ask ourselves what is our goals and how are we going to pursue it. We must show to our allies that we are a team player but we have goals also. Our interests must be defended at all costs through proper good planning involving what taxes are raised or reduced but it comes down to our country to make the sacrifice to succeed. As eUSA citizens together we are one through the good and bad times because together we survive drawn from our strengths making those tough choices that must be done in order to succeed.

Our military is already efficient enough that trust the experienced players like Wild Owl but even still the mistakes we make we are only human and we learn from our mistakes to ensure success. That is what a leader is when he or she gets experience. That is the kind of person Salty will be when he is elected country president because he has the judgment and thoughtfulness to lead.

Rosa is the wrong choice for America. We need someone who understands that will stand up for our country. Like a paper tiger he is not but a person who has the right temperament. Anyone is better Pfeiffer and most definitely anyone is better than Rosa Violet Carson. If we are going to get out of this crisis with Croatia I put my full faith and trust in Salty.

Vote Salty to bring sanity to eUSA. He is the right choice, the right man to lead.