[PN] The return of Harambe

Day 3,451, 14:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pannonian Nomad

May - month of Harambe. A dark month, a dark day (28th of May) when the world lost a kind soul, a friendly 17 years old western lowland gorilla. The pain is still here...

Remembering those that the world lost in 2016...

But his legacy lives on!


"I am an enemy of the USA. Was very disappointing that the Natural Enemy proposal did not pass in Parliament. We will try again. The only reason I would buy packs."

Foreign Affairs

"Read Defence again."





Low or high taxes?

"High just if more funds needed."

Message to the community

"Thanks ESO for the support. I invite others to support me. Vote Harambe."

(Now they actually don't, but nevertheless - vote Harambe)

Let's make it happen!

Tell me why you didn't shoot the kid instead...