[MoFA] Introduction article for June

Day 2,757, 12:21 Published in Japan Serbia by Puko mi vodenjak

Once again we want to thank you to all citizens who voted and supported us, and the ones who voted for other candidates. MoFA team will continue where we stop last month.

We already have good relations with our neighbors (Russia and ROC).As you can see,our TW with Russia is still active. You can keep collecting your TP, BH, CH and RH medals 🙂

Last month we extended our MPP-s with Serbia, Hungary, Poland and Iran. They are our true friends and they always helped us (what we appreciate a lot) 🙂

Maybe you didn't saw, but Argentina and Japan signed MPP, which is great for us. Argentina is big eRep country and what is also important, they are in different time zone, which is according to our plan that we pronounced last month. Argentina is also known that is a very loyal and good ally (just like we are 🙂 ), and we have the same friends, just like the same enemies.

We can say now that we have perfect MPP portfolio. Our MPP-s are fully diversified across different time zones.

With Nebula countries, we have good relations, too. We will be more active in the Nebula HQ from this month. We will continue helping our allies form Nebula, no matter that we have signed MPP-s or not 🙂

We will continue building long lasting good relationships based on the true and honest friendship. Our allies can count on our help for whatever they would be needing.

Our goal is to continue developing with as many countries as possible fairer and friendlier relations, but as all of you probably already aware of, that is not possible that all our friendships would be formalized with the signing of MPP-s (because of financial reasons).

We want all citizens of Japan to know that our ministry will be open to proposals and suggestions for all citizens, regardless of their party affiliation, and if you have any proposal or suggestion, you can send it through IGM to the MoFA team, or you can find us on Rizon. #japan.mofa

Best regards dear citizens of eJapan and dear allies & friends,