[International Version 02] WA, Symbol of an Endless War

Day 1,098, 13:47 Published in France France by Dhelk

Dear Australian friends, please allow me to introduce myself before you read this article. I am Dhelk, an eFrench journalist who wanders throughout the New World and who writes down his travel’s tales in his newspaper: eGlobe-Trotter chroniques. The initial goal of this newspaper was to make discover each week a different place of the eWorld to the eFrench people, which they hardly know. I travelled to Limpopo, Java, Karnataka, Florida, North of Brazil, Beijing, Marmara and Eastern Macedonia. And this week, I decided to write an article about one of your regions: Western Australia.
Of course, the article was already published in eFrance, but I thought it was a good idea to let you read it, so that you could know what a foreign journal could think of your tormented nation, after a week spent living in your community.
Do not balk at criticizing the elements that I spoke of and which could be wrong, or at bringing some details about the events that I may not have dealt with enough. You may even vote and subscribe this newspaper, if its concept had ever pleased you.
My friends, get ready to discover your own nation…

Skopje. I take the first plane to eAustralia. As I go out of the airport, a sultry heat and an arid landscape, kissed by a golden light, welcome me. Portico. Identity check. An Indonesian soldier wants to look at my papers. The Phoenix badge and the French flag convince him, and now I enter the Australian lands.
Outside, in the darkness, a small van is waiting for me. The back doors open, two men grab me and take me inside the car. “Sorry, safety”, a husky voice tells me. A black veil is put on my face. The van puts in motion. Arrival, the doors open again. I’m pulled outside. A door creaks. A spiral staircase. The higher I go, the colder it gets. The black veil is taken away. At the middle of the round room, which looks like headquarters, a military man turns to look at me. “Dhelk, sorry for this welcome, but these are the safety precautions… welcome into the Australian resistance !”.
A new chronicle begins, let us invite you, come in…

April 9th, 2010. A new battle begins between eAustralia and eIndonesia, for the region of Western Australia. All the EDEN and Phoenix forces struggle, thousands of fighters take part in the clash, but they didn’t thought that it would soon become the biggest battle in the history of eRepublik. The deux big eNations of the Pacific continue their merciless fight, one regaining the advantage over the over in turns. But eAustralia, helped by a spectacular patriotic impetus, stands out and secures little by little its region.

A few minutes before the end, the fervor gets less intense at each side, but eAustralia lead enough the battle to win it, the last Indonesian assaults won’t change anything. However, after the twenty-four hours of the battle take an end, the conflict goes on. Incomprehension spreads in the Indonesian and Australian ranks. Phoenix attacks again, as EDEN is waiting for the issue to be resolved. eIndonesia relaunches also its offensive, and push back the Australian defenses.

The battle takes an end on April 10th, the Indonesian flag fly over Western Australia, after the official end of the fight. Both sides demand explanations to the administrators, who answer that they won’t change the result of the fight : thus, Western Australia is on Phoenix’s side. As eIndonesia praises this questionable decision, eAustralia protests and appeals to reason. Alas, despite of the numerous Australian contestations, Western Australia stays under Indonesian control, which deprives eAustralia of its most valuable region.

With an accumulation of 15.470.000 points of damage, the battle for Western Australia will be the hugest battle in the history of eAustralia during a few months, before the battle for Rhone Alps. Nevertheless, more than the extent of this fight, what will stay in memories is the random context. Therefore, Western Australia will return under Australian control thanks to a huge offensive with the help of EDEN and Brolliance, before falling again under Indonesian occupation, in October. Something remains sure : if the battle for Western Australia is inscribed in the eRepublikan history, it is far from finished…

Symbol on the endless war between eAustralia and eIndonesia, Western Australia – currently under Indonesian yoke – make people envious, such as many other regions in the New World, because of its high rate in raw materials. Very rich in grain and titanium, Western Australia’s soil is an extremely important source of income, which naturally causes a will for owning it. Here’s an exemple for its amazing value : currently, 591 enterprises are operating, which makes the region of Western Australia a wonderful concentration of wealths for the country which owns this exceptional region.

Enjoying an unique geographical situation in the eWorld, Western Australia is, above all, a sizeable asset during a war. Indeed, as a direct link between the Pacific area and South Africa, Western Australia is for Phoenix a way to reach the South African resources, and for EDEN and Brolliance, it is the last obstacle in the way to the most expansionist of Phoenix, eIndonesia.

However, to take back Western Australia would be nothing but a façade victory for eAustralia. A much bigger battle is waiting for them, to recover a sovereign politic power freed for Indonesian control. Indeed, the plan designed by Angel and Demon, an Indonesian TO group, was successfully achieved. After taking over a Top 5 party, they began to infiltrate the Congress, made some of their fellow citizens in the Australian lands, confused the new Australian citizens. Today, they hold the majority of the Australian Congress. Then, it’s easier now for them to pass laws in their favour, in order to steal the wealths of the country and to leave eAustralia defenseless by letting its Mutual Protection Pacts expiring.

The war is therefore far from having an end, and it is also led outside of the battlefield…

To join the Australian resistance is a very difficult thing. The informations are eagerly kept safe, and strangers are hardly trusted. However, I fully understand their defensive behaviour, and I have to say that examining every single micro-event to get if only a small information amused me a lot. What I keep in memory after this week is the solidarity between the Australians to face the Indonesian domination, both on a military level and on a political level. They must confront an enemy who surrounds them in their own country, who will do anything to destroy them. The slightest mistake may be disastrous, and the fervor of the Australians for their nation is an exemple for every country whose sovereignty was once stolen by another country.

To end this article, I would like to thank you H.Nelson and Dartreal, who were my main contacts. Thanks for granting me some of their time to explain me the history of their nation.

eGlobe-Trotter chronicles will come back soon to make you discover a new destination…

Thanks to Kyle Hyde for the translation.

eGlobe-Trotter chronicles
Over the edge, and over again…

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