⭐ Infinite Free Energy ⭐ Legend XX for everyone! ⭐ Tank prices to reach 300cc ⭐

Day 4,526, 06:18 Published in USA USA by Marcelaxy

Hi there,

starting today a huge opportunity has opened up to virually everyone.

the "Stay at Home" Top 5 Rewards is really living up to its name because thanks to this challenge you can really spend a lot of time on this game, here's why:

The important thing is: You'll get 8 (= 400 Energy = 40 Hits) Carrots for 20 Kills. That's 40 Hits = 400 Energy. For the BH on the winning side in an epic battle.

The Math

In my expirements I conducted, I noticed that with a Q7 Weapon and a 100% Booster I had a hit per kill (HPK) of two in the follwing scenarios:

NE (CS country) battle: 1.825
Non-NE (CS country) battle: 1.85
Ghost Booster: 1.82

(I use a HPK of 2 for my calculations because it's easier, also taking into account worse HPKs due to different fighter & battle).

All in manual fighting, automatic deployment yielded the following HPK:

NE (CS country) battle: 3.25

What that means is that you'll get Carrots worth 40 hits for each 40 hits. When you have a top-tier Energy pool of 5000 (5060 is max, 5000 is easier to calculate),

you'll get 5000/4500 * 40 = 44.44 Hits = 8.88 Carrots

So you'll have a return rate of 111% but you'll have to fight manually, with Carrots, which will be a pain in the...

When your HPK is up to 2.25 (and you have about 5000 Energy pool), you'll have a 100% return rate.

So, it's a free tanking event - everyone and their mothers can go Legend XX (not EVERYONE, you'll need to have a good strength and a starting at a high rank will help, too)

(this has cost me about 2000 EBs)

How To D4 Epic

Starting a D4 epic on your own, with Carrots using manual deployment is impossible. It takes about 66B damage and even with normal 1x EB's the strongest Legend XX can do barely more than 72B. With Carrots, you're looking at 48B or less. When you want to do D4 epics, you should have a partner fighting on the same side. Both start at 0:00 and when one has reached 30B, they stop hitting, the other continues as long as they can. Next round the roles are flipped.
This way, you are still in the positive Carrot-wise while also having the best cc-yield per tank.

The limiting factor will be Q7 weapons available, not EBs, not Carrots but maybe the time you can spend fighting MANUALLY during these 10 days.

Best Manual Deployment Strategy

Before round start and before activating the next 5x Accelerator (or 2x when you run out), fill up your energy pool so no time is wasted. When playing truly manual, click the "Fight" button once and then hold ENTER. This way, you'll automatically hit at the fastest rate. Do the same for Carrots/EBs on the Battlefield page. Maybe sure your Energy pool is (almost) empty at the moment the Acl reaches zero. Repeat again and again.

With a script, you may be able to do most of that automatically but using or even talking about a script is beneath me.

Market Speculations - CC Printing & Carrot Farming

This means the Q7 weapons price can go crazy. In an NE battle, a top strength Legend XX (like me) does about 2.9-3kk damage per hit, which means 29kk damage per Q7 weapon which is worth 290-300cc in True Patriot medals.

This means the Q7 weapons price can spike at 300cc!

It will certainly stay above 250cc for days. Top-Strength Legend XX players will try to print cc and earn Carrots by hitting as much as possible while Titans and low Legends will rank up to XX and then join the other Legend XX guys. So something between 250-300cc makes sense, it all depends on how much the infinite energy will be exploited over the next 10 days.

A lot of opportunities for everyone: Strong ground players can finally achieve Legend XX and specifically D4 players can make a few hundred levels-Ups. Businessmen can make Millions of CC with Q7 Weapons and WRM production.

Company Investment Tips

When you didn't have the chance to buy Q7W cheap (or you just sold them with massive profits) and you have spare CC or Gold left now and you are no D1-3 player using IK, I'd suggest spending it on Q3, Q4 or Q5 WRM companies to earn cc. Energy is not an issue atm. since tanking is free anyway 😉

When assuming a productivity of 213%, 2000cc of income per work token and a weapon price of just 250cc, 1 WRM could cost:

(250 - (2000/21.3)) / 2 = 78.05cc

At 193% productivity (Kentucky, USA) and 20cc work tax a Q4 WRM company has a profit of 78.0 x 1.9x x 1.75 - 20 = 243.61cc

During these 10 days you can earn about 2000cc with a Q4 WRM company. Not as much as you save when you buy them during Black Friday but that's in more than 7 months and who knows what events we will have until then...

Q7 Weapon Companies could also be highly profitable but it's dependent on too many factors to make an educated guess.