[Finance] The UNL Economy and Monetary Market

Day 761, 03:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

The Ministery of Finance would like to inform the public on a few matters relating to our Economy and the Monetary Market (MM).

First of all the State Secretary of Finance Pander Sol has resigned his position. I have decided that no replacement is required because my duties as Minister of Finance aren’t that much. The quality of my care for our Economy and the MM will not suffer because Pander Sol has resigned.

The biggest problem is still the MM and the fact that there are too many NLG on the market. The previous MoF, Boklevski, and I have sold a lot of gold for NLG in an effort to create a shortage of NLG which will increase the worth of the NLG. So far this has been without the hoped effect but we will continue to try.

Right now there are two things that can happen with the MM and that can help speed up the process of restoring the NLG to its value. I will discuss these shortly:

1. We merger with the UK which will mean that all NLG can be exchanged for GBP. The rate for the GBP is 0.03 gold while the NLG is 0.015 gold. So if we merger I would like to see that for every 2 NLG you get 1 GBP which will mean that your savings will stay intact. Now because the NLG will be taken of the market our MM problems will disappear with it.

2. We don’t merger with the UK but instead take back Brussels and Flanders. With those 2 regions come 363 citizens and several companies. Those citizens and companies will need NLG to buy food, weapons or pay their employees. This will increase the demand for NLG help creating that shortage. More citizens means also a large economy, market and more profit for companies.

So I think that in the next few weeks the MM and our economy will improve. The new MPP with Turkey and the daily battles will help citizens to keep their wellness high and will increase productivity of companies and therefore profits.

Do you want to help the economy? Invite some friends to start playing Erepublik and get 5 gold when they reach level 6.

Minister of Finance Mitch rapp