[FINANCE] Financial report January 26, 15h00 eRep time.

Day 798, 15:40 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Dear eUNL citizens and other interested,

Due to a RL busy schedule, the Congress Elections, and my involvement as Party President supporting the eBelgium cause, this report is a bit later than planned. It covers a week plus 2 days, since the last report of 17 January 14h00.

As highlights, I can report the stability of the monetary market. In more sad news, it looks like we are going to lose a very good player (AndreasIsaksson). (I know it's not financial, but he will be really missed, so I just HAD to mention.)

Please note that all information given, with the possible exception of explanations, is public and can be viewed by all eRepublik users.

Balances of State Account, DNB and Ministerie van Economische Zak
See “Appendix” at the bottom of message.

Justification of movements made/received by the Ministry of Finance
January 18: 10000 NLG from State Accounts to Ministerie van Economische Zak. (Reason: Standard donation to keep UNL's money in a secure organization.)
January 19: 500 NLG from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Media en Recrui. (Reason: NLG needed for paying forum registration fee.)
January 19: 8.23 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Phoenix Treasury. (Reason: Weekly alliance fee.)
January 20: 20000 NLG from Ministerie van Economische Zak to State Companies 2. (Reason: NLG needed to pay salaries in state companies.)
January 21: 100 GOLD from DNB to Ministerie van Economische Zak. (Reason: Ministerie van Economische Zak ran out of GOLD. Raised a congress vote on the forum to move 100 G from DNB, which was approved.)
January 21: 20 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Grondstoffen. (Reason: Requested to buy Raws.)
January 21: 4 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Media en Recrui. (Reason: Ministry of Media & Recruitment found a very useful tool to track new citizens. However, the fee of 10 G per 4 weeks was deemed a bit high, and they found a comparable alternative created by one of our German friends for only 4 G (one-time payment only).)
January 23: 3000 BEF from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Surlet. (Reason: Surlet was used to have Training Companies active in the time of the oppression of eBelgium by The Group. As eBelgium was taken again by EDEN forces, the training companies were started up again to provide jobs for low-skilled Belgian citizens.)
January 23: 100 GOLD from DNB to State Accounts. (Reason: GOLD for MPP with eUK. 79.75 GOLD was donated by eUNL citizens.)
January 26: 20 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Grondstoffen. (Reason: Requested to buy Raws.)

Donations received by citizens and organization.
January 21: 506 NLG from AndreasIsaksson to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen: threatens to quit the game (farewell, AI!) and donated his fortune to DNB and the army.)
January 21: 276 RUB from AndreasIsaksson to DNB. (Reason: See above.)
January 21: 20 GOLD from GM Osxy to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL organization: donated for MPP with eUK.)
January 22: 5 GOLD from Kixtart to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen: referral reaching level 6.)
January 23: 50 GOLD from Deviltje to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen: donated for MPP with eUK.)
January 23: 9.75 GOLD from Mitch Rapp to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen: donated for MPP with eUK.)
January 25: 5 GOLD from Mitch Rapp to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen.)
January 25: 5 GOLD from Mitch Rapp to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen.)
January 25: 5 GOLD from Kixtart to DNB. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen: referral reaching level 6.)
January 26: 5 GOLD from Daniel Parker to Ministerie van Economische Zak. (Reason: Donation by an eUNL citizen: donated bonus for being elected as congressmember.)

Justification of other actions performed by Ministry of Finance
Most notable is my personal statement as Minister of Finances on donation rounds. The Ministry of Finances fully supports the donation rounds raised by other Ministries. Current plans, however, are that the MoF will not raise it's own donation round, but rely on taxes and other sources of income instead. Read the full context here.

“The Ministry of Finances is concerned and tasked with the overall finances of UNL. This is really a structural task, thinking in long term and big lines. I don't decide how many NLG exactly will be spend on buying MTs for the army; I'm just tasked with agreeing with MoD what's reasonable to spend as MoD in a month.

If we need a MPP, this is a short term decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or Ministry of Defences. If they raise a donation round, it is really a case specific donation round. The DNB can still be used as receiving the donations, and being responsible for donating it to the right place.

However, if the Ministry of Finances has to raise a donation round, it seems really as we have structural problems in getting enough income.”

News: Financial laws & proposals
January 19 – Proposal to donate 10,000 NLG from the state accounts to the Ministerie van Economische Zak. Accepted with 30 votes. One congressmember voted against.
January 23 – MPP with eUK, proposed by the UK president. Costs: 100 GOLD. Accepted with 24 YES and 2 NO.

News: Monetary Market
Since the intervention in the monetary market one and a half week ago, it has been really stable. I know some citizens are really helping by buying any “cheap” NLG at 0.015 G. This has lead to the rate being solidly on 1 NLG = 0.016 GOLD for a while. The GOLD rate is currently at 1 G = 65.569 NLG. This helps to avoid that the rate will suddenly drop to 0.015 GOLD. I feel it's safe to say that we have had the worst of the instability, and that we can look forward now to a period of stable currency at around these rates.

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kind regards,

eUNL's Minister of Finance,

APPENDIX: Balances of State Account, DNB and Ministerie van Economische Zak
(the balance of last report and the difference are displayed in brackets)

State Account

14.29 G (1.92 G; +12.37)

Local currencies:
17985.23 NLG (15065.07 NLG; +2920.16)
1.43 BEF (1.43 BEF; no change)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)

Value of offers on goldmarket:


372.2 G (467.45 G; -95.25)

Local currencies:
33915.55 NLG (33409.55 NLG; +506)
34462.47 BEF (34462.47 BEF; no change)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)
276 RUB (0 RUB; +276)

Value of offers on goldmarket:

Ministerie van Economische Zak

67.49 G (44.07 G; +23.42)

Local currencies:
62831.58 NLG (46327.69 NLG; +16503.89)
46.94 BEF (3046.94 BEF; -3000)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)

Value of offers on goldmarket: