[eUS/eDE] Interview mit FHK!

Day 4,557, 08:29 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

Hallo Leute!
Hello everyone!

Ich habe ein Interview mit FHK (CP von Deutschland) gemacht, und hier ist es jetzt.
I had an interview with FHK (Freiheitskaempfer, CP of Germany) and here it is.

Hallo! Wie geht es?
Hello! How’s it going?

Ich bin eure neue Ambassador aus die eUSA. Wann es stimmt, ich mӧchte einige Fragen an ihnen stellen, um einen Artikel für unsere beide Staate schreiben.
I am your new ambassador from the eUS. If it’s okay, I’d like to ask you a few questions for an article for both our countries.

Entschuldigung für meine Deutsch, sie ist nicht meine erste Sprache.
Sorry about my German, it’s not my first language.

1: Ich sehe Sie haben CP von Deutschland 43 mal gewonnen. Wie haben Sie das gemacht?
I see you won CP of Germany 43 times. How did you do it?

1. I ran for it 😛 the more serious answer would be that people know I'm capable of keeping Germany in track.

2: Was ist ihre Meinung über die eUSA? Was glauben Leute in eDeutschland über die eUSA?
What do you think of the eUS? What do people in Germany think of the eUS?

2. There are basically two options when people think about the eUS. One side likes them and sees them still as an ally (from really long time ago) which offered help and had lots of Germans migrating to become eAmerican. The other side doesn't really care and sees the US as nice option for companies and bonuses.

3: Ich sehe eDeutschland ist jetzt alleine in der “Banana Allianz”. Wie ist das geschehen?
I see Germany is currently alone in the “Banana Alliance”. How did that happen?

3. Banana alliance was always for the lulz, nothing special about it.

4: Was glauben Sie über die CODE vs Asteria Krieg in Nordamerika?
What do you think about the CODE vs Asteria war in North America?

4. It's fun to see the very own tactics being used against yourself, the tides have turned completely and I don't know if I should be happy about it or not. The last time the US has been wiped/oppressed made them stronger than before. As of late the US hasn't been seen on the battlefield in an epic manner, just farming.

5: Erzählen Sie mir bitte ein bisschen über der diplomatischer Stellung der eDeutschland.
Tell me a bit about the diplomatic position of eGermany

5. Germany has a neutral stand in the heart of Europe, we've got friends in both sides and people don't want to get involved in global wars. In case a friend needs help, we'll be there, but actively taking part in attacking other countries won't be seen from me while I'm president.

6: Was ist Ihr Lieblingsteil des Spieles?
What is your favorite part of the game?

6. The economy was the best part of the game. For now, there's no favorite part, all are equally shit.

7: Was ist Ihr Lieblingsteil der eDeutschland?
What is your favorite part of eGermany?

7. The friends I made.

8: Soll man Ananas auf eine Pizza stellen?
Should people put pineapple on pizza?

8. Pineapples are for cocktails. And even then I'm going to throw that shit away.

9: Was ist Ihre Lieblingsband/Lieblingslied?
What’s your favorite band/favorite song?

9. Tough question, like everything from the 80s.

10: Sagen Sie mir ein Witz
Tell me a joke

10. Kommt ne Frau beim Arzt.

Dankeschӧn für ihre Zeit!
Thank you for your time!