[eSwiss Governor] back with the accounts clean

Day 4,505, 07:53 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Finance

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Hello citizens of eSwitzerland

With the sentence above by Sir Rotschild I cannot stress more the importance of the money and finances in today societies (in eRepublik also). Unfortunately there weren't any finance related articles or discussions for a long time now in our eCountry, so I will have the privilege to write one now.

First, I want to thank our President @Blue Tongu3 Lizard for reaching out to me, and appointing me, at first, for viceMinister of Finance (viceGovernor) in her term. Now, Governor.

In the current socio-economic situation in the New World, we in eSwitzerland have steady flow of cash, without any disruption in recent past, mainly because the main focus on the major players is not in our region, and the war theaters are in the other parts of the world.

The Swiss treasury has collected 451.560cc for the period from 4431 to 4460, and 468.953cc for the period from 4461 to 4490 day of the New World.

Since day 4491 The Ministry of Finance began to track the the flow of money on a daily basis, and every citizen that is interested can CHECK IT OUT at any time.

I'm also pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Finance this month has made the data of our National Organizations clear and transparent for anyone that is interested in this kind of stuff. These organizations will be vital for financing any project in the future that the government will deem worthy.

Now, if you had a look at those numbers you had probably noticed that we are not collecting enough money, or collecting as much as we should collect, or as much as other countries do collect. If we manage to increase our income, and start financing different aspects of the game in our country we will become much stronger and active, both economically and militarily. As a positive exemple I'm looking at the Netherlands. They have same population as Switzerland does, according to the last elections (I know someone doesn't vote and those numbers could be wrong, but they are good start) yet they have monthly income more then 1million and considerably stronger army, which allows them sometimes to engage in major battles, and participate in different theatres of war in the world as we saw recently. If our long term goal in to increase our military strength and capabilities, I believe we must increase our income at least to 1 million, and not like todays moderate 450k currency, so we would be able to increase the funding for our army, and to create more active and healthy political activities (also like Netherlands do)

So how do we increase the income in our treasury?? The Ministry of Finance have several proposals...

- First, and the most effective way it would be if our diplomats can find some country that wants some of our resources for concession. That will be major financial boost, and our TW can easily be adjusted.

- Second, the money in our treasury should not be liability. Right now, a decent sum of currency and gold is sitting in the treasury without anyone touching it for months. This way our money are liability, and we should immediately turn them into asset. How?? By transferring them partly to some of our Organizations, and start trading them on the Monetary market for profit. The profit will be then used for different programs that the government would have for strengthening our military or enriching the swiss citizens.

- Third, we can use some of the currency/gold to buy food/weapons, which will be held as strategic reserves in case of price spikes, and be delivered to our citizens if such price spikes occur, and/or be sold for profit in future.

The Ministry has one more idea, but will be withheld for now, and we will leave it for discussion in future.

We thank you, for your cooperation and support.!

eSwiss Governor