[CP] Week 2 Update - Back to Normal?

Day 4,748, 10:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Citizens of the Republic,

Here's another update of what your government has been doing.

I've worked with congress to change taxes to better suit our economic situation. We discussed and reached the conclusion that it would be best for eIrish workers and businessmen to leave work tax and VAT untouched.

Instead, we decreased the import tax for houses to 1% and increased the import tax for food and weapons to 10%. We all hope that these measures will make eIrish producers more competitive in the domestic market.

Resource Concessions
We've hit a roadblock with our goal to find countries willing to rent our resources. The eUS has communicated that they are not currently interested in concessions and other countries have also responded negatively.

However, my MoFA is continuing the work to find a partner for us. This will allow eIreland to profit from our hard-won aircraft and housing resources: Clay, Sand, Magnesium, Wood, and Wolfram.

Training Wars
We had an aborted trip to Nigeria... this was due to a miscommunication, but there are no hard feelings from any party involved. No harm, no foul.

Otherwise, we have restarted our UK ping-pong TW. Basically all the battles revolve around Shannon, so make sure to WIN the battles in Shannon, always.

Welfare in Action
Any Irish Citizen who comments below will receive their choice of
1) 2000 Q1 Food
2) 15 Q7 Weapons.
Please comment below for your choice, and I will donate the material immediately.

This program will continue, at least weekly, and perhaps more often, if we can raise our income sources.

Eire Abu!