[CP] Latest news

Day 1,123, 00:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizen,

We have had some serios fun who turned in to some little troubles with Belgium. After all it was just some trolling and when Garmr (our MoFa) had some talks with the Belgium MoFa it became quiet again. Related to this are my national goals. I have set to conquer all 3 regions of Belgium. I did this because I had allready a lot talks about a merge with Belgium, but I can tell you that this isnt gonna happen.

We currently see a lot articles in the media about solutions and merge's. But tell me, why do we need to find a solution for admin not doing a good job? We dont need to do that. All we need is report all citizens who we dont trust. Admin will and can find the real multies or boths or multiefarm or whatever...

So we dont need to find solutions, we need to tell the admin who are the multies, and WHY they are multies. Make a nice story and report it, dont forget to include the profile links.

If you need more information how to do this, just send me a message!

Your president,