Yosemite's Plan

Day 3,540, 17:35 Published in Chile Bulgaria by Boyan

Hola Yose, Hola Chile!

..........................................Over 2 years ago Yosemite had a plan......................

Yosemite's plan worked perfectly: Chile is strong and prosperous nation, with great allies!

Chile has been part of Asteria for over 6 months now. The longest period in eChilean history with full resources.

Chile has been finally politically united. No congress votes had been cast since January 2017.

Yose is finally a president!

A year earlier. 1/3 of the population lost. Opposition technically annihilated.

Yose likes being a dictator and a colony of Asteria!No MoD instructions all presidential term.

Yose likes Argentina more than Chile. Argentina has been priority every day, all month.

Vamos por Vyc ARG!

Yosemite at the Andes HQ meeting:

Hey Yose. Congrats again on the successful presidential term and the amazing year of political genius that Chile has been enjoying. Keep up the great work!