World War Review Day 1,608

Day 1,609, 01:22 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg

In North America Mexico has gained some support and is RW their regions from their Colombian Occupiers. Mexico is currently losing their RW in North East of Mexico. The Colombians for those who do not know wiped Mexico when ONE forces helped Mexico free itself from Croatian conquerors. Mexico regaining its territory can be a threat to our 100/100 resources as Baja (saltpeter region) is a Mexican region. Keep your eye out for any RW in Baja as they are most likely to regain that region asap.

Peru is attempting to RW Southern Low Amazon from Brazil in what seems to be a failed attempt. Peru is attempting to continue their attack on Bolivia as they attempt to previously conqueored region of Pando. Brazil is still intervening as they attack Peru owned Bolivian region of Bolivian Altiplano.

Argentina is still facing an invasion from Chile and Paraguay. They are minutes away from regaining their region of Mesopotamia. They should be fighting back against their Chile invaders soon as ONE forces focus more on Europe Battle Grounds.

Western Europe is in a dull state at the moment. Spain and USA are keeping within their peace treaty and UK regained regions back from Canada and Ireland thanks to a peace treaty.

Austria is successfully regaining their region of Lower Austria from their Hungarian oppressors in a RW that seems to be one sided at the moment. On the other side of Austria Hungary continues their attack as they win the region of Salzburg in a 8-0 battle.

Italy is helping their Croatian allies as they conqueored South Dalmatia and continue north to North Dalmatia. The regions should be RW soon back to their Croatian owners once the Serbian threat is eliminated.

BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is recieving an attack from Montenegero as they attack the BiH region of East Srpska Republic.

Albania is RW their region of Tiranain a battle against Serbia. While the RW continues Serbia is attempting to wipe Albania's last remaining region of Albanian Cost. Both battles have wins on both sides so it is anyone's game from here.

Greece is also attempting to regain their region of Macedonia from Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in a RW with neither side having too much advantage.

Romania is attempting a RW in Maramures against Hungary as they also attempt to RW the Turkish occupied region of Dobrogea.

Ukraine is going for some RH medals as well as they attempt to regain their Polish occupied region of Bukovina and Turkish occupied region of Bassarabia. The RW in Bassarabia is very one sided towards the Turkish side and does not look good for Ukraine as does the Polish RW in Bukovina.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to Vote + Shout + Sub! I hope you enjoyed my WWR article! I am trying to do more but college takes up a lot of time. Thank you for being patient and enjoy!