World War Review Day 1,503

Day 1,503, 17:52 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg

I was too sleep deprived to write an article today but seeing all these historic battles taking place it would be a shame not too!


The United kingdom (previously wiped) has been successfully regaining their regions. Their current RW in NE of Englandis so far in their favor. Whether this momentum will stay or not is up to Canada's priorities as it looks onward to an attack on Serbia. France on the other hand is still holding on strong to their UK regions as the LondonRW is showing little success.

Spain has still not regained any of their home regions from Serbia. Catalonia which has little resource or strategic advantage for Serbia is still under their control. Whether or not Serbia will release the region to their ally is up to them as they hold the strength here.

France has seen a huge turnaround as the USA has regained access to a European front. With a successfull defense in Limousinand a successful repel from Serbian invasion in Maryland, the USA has the initiative to attack Serbia head on. The French are also successfully RW the Serbian owned region of Poitou Charentes which was previously USA owned before they were kicked out by the Serbs. The USA has also put a direct attack on the Serbian owned region of Aquitaine. Success here will remove any chance of Serbia launching an invasion of the USA.

In Germany the resistance is proving success! Their current battle in North Rhine-Westphalia is being fought to the last battle. Poland being so distracted with it's numerous of open battle fronts faces near destruction soon.

The Netherlands are also showing success against the Polish! As their RW in Western Netherlands proves to be on their favor its only a matter of time until Poland has no colonies.

Poland is on course to being wiped! The once great empire that had most influence over erepublik is now days away from being nothing but history. As an attack from Croatia in Silesia. Another attack from Bulgaria in Mazovia and another attack from Romania in Pomerania. Poland is facing a 3 pronged attack and that's excluding the attacks on their European colonies.

Europe overview
Terra-Eden forces are proving dominant as ONE forces crumble. With Poland's regions being wiped quickly by Terra-Eden Serbia is up next on the plate. Hungary previously being wiped and Spain being dealt with earlier all the major players in this alliance are seeing imminent doom.

South Korea has attacked China homeland! With what seems so far as a successful attack on South Korea's side in Shandong they are taking advantaged of the distract super power that is China. China focusing most of it's strength towards the Indo invasion. Little worries though for as soon as they have finished wiping Indo off the map they can work back on regaining their lost regions.

Indonesia has had one region taken as China pursues with their attack on Sulawesi. Although China has the upperhand here they are losing their RW in Indo home region of Sumatra. This can be a slight setback to their invasion plans if they happen to lose any of the upcoming invasion battles.

The next few days are definitely going to historic! Here to keep track of it all for you I'm Omar Dandan. Now read a book and turn off your computer.

Now time to cure my sleep deprivation