World War Review Day 1,500

Day 1,500, 11:26 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg

Still not much going on in the Americas. As the major war front is in Europe we shall concentrate most details of battles there.

The Middle East also has little change from yesterday. As anything progresses I shall keep this article updated. If nothing then I will just mention it in tomorrows article

I want to thank everyone that shouted my last article! It helped tremendously as I am too lazy to add a bunch of random people and shout my article link all day!


Turkey has attacked Pakistan! In a very one sided battle Turkey is about to wipe out Pakistans only region of Balochistan.


Such pretty colors

The UK succesfully regained their region of NE England. Unfortunatly for them though the momentum of that win has not carried in their battles against Canada owned North West of England and Wales. Same news for France owned London. It seems that Englands only chance of getting any regions back is asking ONE for help or making peace agreements with its invaders.

In France the US owned regions are seeing much trouble now. As they lost the battle when attacking Languedoc Roussillon Serbia has now attacked Poitou Charentes and is dominating against Terra-Eden forces. The RW in Limousin is showing much trouble for the USA as well. If the USA can't turn these battles around they are going to get kicked out of Europe and lose any initiative gained from the past week.

Switzerland is facing aggression from Slovenia as they're region of Deutschschweiz is close to getting taken. With Switzerlands only allies being USA and South Africa I see little hope in them successfully defending their home regions.

The Netherlands are trying to regain their region of Eastern Netherlands from the Polish Empire. Little success is seen there and it seems still very doubtful that they will gain any momentum.

Up North we see Norway trying to regain their region of Ostlandet from Finland with little success. Finlands baby boom has shown much success as it is showing much agression towards its neighboring countries.

Norway is under serbians PTO so Finland is only helping Norway
Thank you Finlander93 for the correction!

Same news for Sweden as they fight both Russia and Finnish forces in Scania
and Gotland. It seems that a Baby Boom might be the only answer for these countries to get any chance of redemption.

Germany is still having trouble regaining their region of Saxony from Poland. Although showing much stronger opposition then other countries it is just a matter of time until they regain their homeland.

With Italy being kicked out of Austria they are now limited to their region in Czech Republic. The battle of Northern Bohemia is an important one for Italy for if they lose this one they will have to face being wiped yet again.

Hungary is in much trouble as they are down to one region. The Hungary owned Slovakian region of Western Slovakia is being conquered by Croatia. Hungary is still attempting to regain their regions from Bulgaria and Croatia in their RW in Western Transdanubia and Central Hungary. Both sides are throwing incredible amounts of damage and it can be anyones battle at this point.

Austria is showing good timing as they regain their home region of Burgenland
against Croatia. As Croatia is distracted by Hungary, Austria has a great chance of winning this RW.

Romania is taking over Lithuanian region of Lithuanian Highland. WIth little opposition this battle will be won within hours.

Belarus and Lithuana are fighting an even matched battle in Hrodzienskaya. Its anyone's game there as every bit of influence can drastically change the outcome.

Thank you for reading!
See anything i messed up on? Please send me a message with a correction!
Any advice? Send me a message!