World War Review Day 1,499

Day 1,499, 11:15 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg

Before reading this article please keep one thing in mind. I am one person doing all the research behind this article. If I make a mistake anywhere in the article, whether it be reason behind a battle or grammar/spelling errors, please don't hesitate to message me the correction.

At the moment there is little to no activity in North and South America so we shall be concentrating on the battles going on in the Middle East, Asia and Europe.

Middle East

Currently in Egypt a Baby Boom is in effect. This means that the foreign PTO'rs will have some resistance in the upcoming CP elections. Egpyt has asked to be wiped for the sake of easier elections by they're friends Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). They are still currently fighting against Greece to regain regions but at the moment are still too weak to stand a chance against an already developed nation.

Iran has been completely is still completely wiped from the map by Turkey and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). There resistance wars have just recently started and the battle can go either way for them.

Saudi Arabia is still wiped by Turkey and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and UAE is hanging with two regions left and a losing battle to regain another. Still not too many real life UAE players playing as the country is being controlled as well by foreign occupiers.

Pakistan is still sitting with one region as their resistance wars against China are having little effect.

India is regaining it's last original region from China quite successfully and will probably have all their original regions within the next few hours.

In the never ending battles of Australia it seems that Australia has finally regained most of their original regions! Fighting one losing battle for South Australia this might be the turning point in another Indonesian invasion.

Just been informed of an eIndo-eAus peace agreement that states eAus keeps all regions other than WA and SA. Thank you Gordy Browning for the heads up!


Ahh yes the part of the article most people actually are interested in. The current battlefield of this war between Terra-Eden forces and ONE forces.

It's sad how most of us know these ever changing country maps better then the real life ones.

The UK is still fighting off foreign invasion from Canada and France. Losing it's battle in London against France they seem to not be able to liberate against the more powerful nation. There is progress however in the Canada owned regions as the attack on NE of England has been defended. The RW in NW of England however is still on Canada's favor for now.

In France much activity can be seen. Serbia still owns southern regions of France and parts of Spain. An intense battle between USA and Serbia is being fought for Langeudoc Roussilon. The RW in USA occupied Auvergne is going to France's side against the USA's will. Losing this region can be a major set back to liberation of France and attack on Serbia. France has also attacked Serbia controlled Corsica but is showing little success in it's attack. Belgium is regaining their original region of Flanders from France with little resistance from the french.

Switzerland is having great luck against Serbia as they are regaining their lost region of Romandie. The same can not be said though for their RW in Slovenia occupied Svizerra Italiana.

Germany has had great luck in the past couple weeks and has regained many of their original regions. However their current attack to regain Saxony against Poland is seeing no success whatsoever.

Italy controlled Austria is seeing much resistance as Austria is showing tremendous force against the Italians. If Austria is succesful in regaining all of it's regions then Italy shall be wiped again with no home country to run back to. The RW in Upper Austria is showing in favor of Austria while the battle of Lower Austria is showing favor for Italy. Lower Austria is still anyone's game as Italy only has one battle ahead of Austria in defending the region.

Hungary is currently being wiped by Croatia and Bulgaria quite swiftly. Bulgaria is showing incredible power as they are winning in the attack of Northern Hungary and winning in defending of Central Hungary. Croatia is also winning its battle against Hungary in Southern Transdanubia. Hungary might be completely wiped in a matter of hours.

In Denmark they are currently making great strides in regaining their regions from Ireland. With two regions left to regain and winning in Syddanmark Denmark might have all their regions back by tomorrow.

Sweden is fighting against Russian and Finnish occupiers. In the Russian front Russia is dominating as Sweden is having trouble winning any battles. They are however doing better on the Finnish front as they have won most of the battles in Finnish occupied Svealand.

Norway is in an intense battle against their Finnish invaders. Each side needs only two more battles to win. It should be interesting to see where the initiative turns in this area.

Im going to be trying to write these daily. It all depends on how good you all think they are and whether I have the time to write them. Until tomorrow Im Omar watching the eWorld slowly tear itself apart!