World War Review (Day 1,309-1,310)

Day 1,310, 05:17 Published in United Arab Emirates USA by Dr Heisenberg
Please vote and sub for this took me a lot of work and time to do

Omars World War Review Day 1310

South America

eArgentina is about to clear out ePeru by attacking and currently winning one of their last two regions Southern Low Amazon. It seems eArgentina is doing fine on numbers and their battles since leaving Terra but it has definitely hurt the fighting force of Terra.

ePeru has also attacked North of Brazil and is currently winning. This attack could be a repeat of what happened months ago when eBrazil got nearly wiped. Peru might be reduced to nothing in time if eBrazil can hold its own against the Peruvians long enough for eArgentina to wipe them out.

They.. are… everywhere

North America

eMexico has had Southeast of Mexico attacked by ePortugal in response to the earlier attacks by eMexico on ePortugal territory. Although losing the battle this might be another attempt at wiping out a Terra ally by ONE’s planning.


I know it we all know it eUSA is getting hit and it is getting hit hard. They are getting hit by four enemy countries and one ally country. Let’s analyze every attack point the eUS is facing right now.

eIndoseia has already captured Hawaii and California in a very epic battle. eUS forces fought hard but were simply outnumbered and outgunned by the invading Indos. They currently are leading a strong force in the West Coast and are invading Arizona now.

eHungary has began its attack after cutting through eFrance like a stick of butter is taking regions in Southern US like Georgia and our old fortress Florida. Currently attacking Alabama they seem to be winning the first battle quite easily. They will probably be the foreign occupier of much of the Southern US as Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana will be the next available regions if Mississippi falls. There is a RW in North Carolina but it’s currently not looking to good for the resistance force.

Lil Wayne sad knowing his home state is close to being wiped

eSpain is tearing us a new one. Starting from their original region from their previous campaign in Indiana the Spaniards are ripping a giant maroon hole in the center of our nice purple country. Controlling much of Central USA, two regions in the West Coast and a region originally Canada’s we can tell easily that eSpain is the main leader in this campaign. There is a RW in Kentucky though with eUS currently winning. This could be the turnaround point against eSpain.

ePoland is hitting us hard in the north. It is sad to see what once a nation of brothers and friends are now our enemies and potential murderers. They have already captured Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Although there is a resistance battle going on for New York it is not looking to well. ePoland is currently attacking Vermont and seems to be winning pretty easily.

No one hits snooky… no one

eCanada is being a total bro right now and taking more regions from us! Just kidding it’s a good thing they are blocking off all those bad guys trying to kill us and saving us as many regions as we can in case we do get wiped out. What good friends we should send them a thank you card some time. You can see they have attacked New Hamsphire to save us Maine from the Pollacks.

Also another attempt to save regions with an attack at Idaho which can save us Washington and North Dakota if more regions are given to Canada before Spain or Indo can reach them. Canada is being a total bro right now so seriously go help out their economy and buy some hockey sticks and maple syrup or something.

You don’t mess with Canadians or they will strike…

eCanada is also trying to RW Manitoba after eSpain took it while eUS was borrowing it. At the moment it’s not looking too good for resistance as Spain puts up a tough fight. They are although looking successful against eSweden as their RW in New Brunswick seems to be going to their side.

Western Europe

eUK has wiped Ireland and is on its way to wiping out eBelgium. After already taking Flanders all eUK is attacking Wallonia which will be one of the last two regions eBelgium has left. eBelgium is in a pickle and might be facing some hard times. Hopefully they can work something out with eUK to keep one region in hope of recovering with a Baby Boom.

eUK is just with a training war with eBelgium.

eFrance has recovered a single region Isle of France and is currently trying to retrieve its other regions through RW against ePoland and eHungary. Both battles in Aquitane and Champegne Ardenne are looking bad for eFrances resistance. eFrance got wiped out because they refused to give easy passage way to eUS and is a true ally for it.

Such sterngth the french posses

Central Europe

eGermany is on the verge of being wiped yet again by eSlovakia. eGermany is reduced to Baden-Watenburg and it seems eSlovakia will be winning this battle as well. eGermany is resilient and will continue to fight as history has shown. Stubborn and dedicated those Germans always are.

Big and strong germans are

eGermany may have a shot at redemption if they win their RW against eSweden in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg which they are currently wrecking eSweden at. They are however losing their RW in Saxony against the Polish.

[img]eAustria is trying to regain their region[/img]Styria back from eHungary but seems to be getting a beating. They still have four other regions so they are in no current risk of being wiped out but they must stay aggressive or they might fall under Hungarian control soon.

Eastern Europe

eUkraine is trying to gain more of their regions back by RW eTurkey, ePoland and eSerbia. Although losing to ePoland in Galicia and Lodomeria they are winning against eTurkey in Polisia. Their fight in Zaporzhia against eSerbia is off to a bad start but still has a chance. eUkraine regions are controlled by Serbs, Polish and Turks. They have a lot of fighting to do before eUkraine can gain complete independence again.

eRussia and eTurkey are in a very heated fight for Moscow and Central Russia as it is currently tied with six wins on each side. This battle may be the turning point Russia needs to help their selves and their Terra allies. Many big names are seen in this battle and it will surely be a ONE vs. Terra brawl.


eIran and eChinas training war in Sistan and Baluchistan remains to be working greatly as neither country has broken their ends of the deal.
eRepublic of China is keeping eSouth Korea in place by keeping the RW in Gangwon-Do with an easy win.


ePhillipines, eMalaysia and eAustralia are all trying to fight eIndo by regaining their original regions through RW. Currently on the Aussies are seeming to have a decent start in their fight in Queensland this might be a good start for them to liberate the rest of eAustralia.

Don’t mess with aussies they fight dirty

eNew Zealand is still under threat by eChile which has attacked Wellington but seems to be holding their own in the attack thus far.

Thats all ive got today please vote and sub and shout for i worked really hard on this one!
