Why I resigned

Day 1,550, 08:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Winston Hope Smith


It is with great disappointment I must inform you of my resignation from my job here in Government.
I do this because the Country President and her Deputy are cheaters. During the recent election they conspired, with others, to “Fix” the election in another Political Party.
This behaviour I find unacceptable and I could not maintain the respect I should have in them.
Quote from MUFC..“"about sending people to vote for Pat? yeah, we sent all people who asked for who to vote to help our friend Patrick, I don't ee nothing strange here.”
I was left with no alternative but to tender my resignation.
I tell you that this low low standard is not needed here. Why did MUFC and his minions feel it was their right to corrupt the election in the Independent Labour Party?
The Independent Labour Party is an honourable party with fair and honest members who strive for a better Ireland. They have been treated as dirt by a group of disreputable players who seem to think they have the right to TELL people what to do.
The new leader of the ILP must take measures to secure the ILP election process from such interference by outsiders.
And I now will use what influence I have (not much maybe but some) to ensure there is a regime change next CP elections.
Finally watch this and smile...
One Man Band