WHPR [Day 1036] - TW, Blocker Info, Project C.A.R.E y Gov. Jobs

Day 1,036, 18:15 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

E Pluribus Unum
~Out of many, one~

The Press Room was returned to the eUSA following a determination by the ePakistan Ministry of Kulture that it's simply too pig-disgusting for us to keep. They have now declared that the United States are obese and on a high risk of heart attacks. Keep on eating America!

Training War a Success

Thank you to all those that participated in the recent National Training War in the Quighai Resistance War. From the feedback that has been said, I think it is safe to say that it was pretty dog gone fun. As expected, we ran very smoothly and by the end of the war, but near the end of that battle, some Serbians got in, but hey, who doesn't like kicking Serbian butt?

The Quighai Resistance Training War was nice for all of us to kick back and have some fun.We had multiple hospitals on that battlefield, so that each soldier could fight as much as possible. Not only that, but many of us got ranked up multiple times and we had tons of fun. If you were not there for that battle, you really did miss out on a lot, but don't worry. Be on the look out for more of those in the future.

Become a Blocker Today!

The Congressional Elections are coming up a few days on the 25th, and as so, we need every United States citizen to apply to become a blocker. What does a blocker do exactly? Party Presidents chose their "official candidates" on the 24th, but if there is no one running in that state from that party, you can get in regardless. As you a blocker, you ensure that the Congressional Elections are fun and exciting for everyone!

Simple Instructions:
1. Join whichever one of the top five parties is lowest in the rankings.
~ You are not obligated to vote for this party, just to build their numbers for national defense.
2. Reach out to one of the top five parties to volunteer as a blocker on election day.
~ Make sure you have positive contact with the Party President you support.
~ United States Workers Party
~ Federalist Party
~ United Independents Party
~ S.E.E.S.
~ Amer. Defense and Trade Party
3. Once you are on orders, move to the right region and run for congress.
~ The deadline for candidacy is Thursday, 23 Septermber 2010, Day 1,038.
~ Use an avatar picture identifying yourself as a blocker.
~ Use a presentation link identifying yourself as a blocker.

Apply for Project C.A.R.E

You want to do something with your eLife involving the media? Becoming a writer for Project C.A.R.E. would be a great way to start out. Project C.A.R.E., founded by Rod Damon, is an organization devoted to being involved with national security. One of the fun things that Project C.A.R.E. does is going multi-hunting and exposing them to the public.

Simple Instructions:
1. Personal Message AmyHat regarding an application for Project C.A.R.E
2. Fill out the the form she gives you.
3. Do the training sequences

Join the Government!

The government is seeking fresh minds seeking to obtain a government job. You don't need to have any prior experience except for being competent enough to write your name. Interested? Fill out this form! Why wouldn't you want to help out? We have cookies in the Dark Side!

Dio is cooler than you!

Your friendly neighborhood hobbit