White House Press Release #107: Liaoning!

Day 917, 02:49 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
Secretary’s note: My apologies for the recent lack of press releases. I've been dealing with an IRL situation where I found myself uprooted, without a place to live earlier than I expected. It will be fully resolved on Thursday, at which time the Press Corps will be contacted and the first conference will be set up. Again I apologize for the delay. On to the release:

A few hours ago, an attack on Liaoning, Serbia’s high iron region, was launched. This is it people, it’s going to be one of the most important battles of all time. Fingerguns wants you to fight with weapons there. We Americans do as Fingerguns says, so grab your free guns and tear that wall down!

By this time tomorrow, with the help of our Bros and friends in EDEN, we could be relaxing in Lion King. Do your part and fight with guns!

Get out and vote!

Today is the congressional election day. You, as an active eUS citizen, are encouraged to get out and vote. Move out of the fortress state and vote somewhere else, somewhere it matters.

Contact Rod Damon and see if there is a potential PTO threat that you could help out with. If not, read up on congressional candidates, decide who you want to represent the nation in Congress and vote! The elections in Karnataka are never very eventful, but other states are often tied up and decided by the experience point tiebreaker. Your vote matters, especially when you’re outside of a fortress state. Do your duty as an American citizen and vote!

Citizens with foreign citizenships are reminded to consult Strategic Air Command before voting. Citizens running ads for their congressional elections are asked to stop, or change the ads to link an article about Liaoning. This battle is far, far more important than the election. Remember, your country comes first!

All that business aside, let’s see a good turnout this election day! Support your country and get out and vote!

‘Til next time America,

David Landon
Secretary of Media

Guarden Draak
Press Secretary