What Path shall we Take?

Day 3,756, 01:21 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

Hello my fellow Countrymen, I am Waruda a man of many names and avatars who will soon be in charge of things in Pakistan. I hope to improve our lot here since the Nation could no longer afford an active Dictatorship. Months ago there were several articles and many opinions on our Training War exercises with Iran. 

I want all (Pakistan Citizens only) of you to fill out this form to help guide me in my Administration: FORM

After seven days I will share the data collected from the form and I will then make appropriate action. It's my personal opinion that the Training Wars are not beneficial for the minority of New Incoming players. But if you are pro-Training War let it be known on the form above. You can even abstain, but please fill out the form.

There is only one caveat: If you have not selected a name for free by now please do so before filling out the form, New citizens with the default name given by eRepublik will not be included (because you are probably Multis). 

And with that I bid you a good day, 

Waruda; Candidate for Country President.