Western Siberia: A Review of Alliances "X and Y"

Day 488, 15:35 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry
The battle at Western Siberia was a beautiful thing.

A beautiful, and scary thing.

For once, and I feel not for the last time, the world's super powers gathered together all of the power players from different nations to fight for one side or another (just look at the population boost of Indo, not all of that was due to multi's!). The possibility for total world consumption within two major players for a more permanent stay was something that struck me.

No doubt thousands of gold was spent like never before in this fight, sending off the world's resources in a tailspin worldwide into the Admin storage place where it never returns after a wellness pack is used.

We needed to support that battle, and I am glad we won and have shown that together we can defeat PEACE. I also believe that, although done without clearance or clarity as it should have been done (and for which I stand for as a congressman), the help we provided was essential and a good thing to have done.

A look at Alliances

So let's revisit what's going on here in Atlantis and PEACE, or "X and Y". I'm not going to talk so much about them as individuals so much as generalities, as both are more or less the same. Save the fact that I do believe that Atlantis, in general, fights fairer and cleaner which is something I appreciate. But this is not an article against PEACE or for Atlantis, it is an article, on alliances.

The fact of the matter is even if these two did not exist, the natural inclination of this game would be to create two major alliances, each one to check each other and fight each other. Think about it, no matter how you slice it sooner or later power tends to get centralized partially out of fear of another power that is becoming centralized if nothing else.

The ruin of either PEACE or Atlantis would result in a couple of powerful nations united and ruling the world. If Romania goes down, and especially if both Romania and Spain fall, the world will have a hard time to withstand PEACE.

The best way to really have peace within the world in a world that has no peace is to begin with the same thing we began with the USSR.

MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)

Now, we don't have nuclear missiles, but this can best be accomplished by two alliances that are of decently equal strength. My personal view is that Atlantis is slightly weaker (which may not be true) which is why I as Ambassador to Turkey have always tried to convince them to join us, to balance out the power.

From a position where each alliance is secure from a MAD situation, we can begin to work out dealing with one another in a better way. I am not suggesting that MAD is a great place to end, merely, a good place to begin to help us not reach a level where power is so centralized within Atlantis and PEACE within two nations that Erepublik is no longer a world game but one based mostly in Romania and Indonesia .

This won't work as effective as it did with Russia, because we don't have the "nuclear missile" in Erepublik and we all want that taste of battle and conquer within this game that was designed to be in here. I still think it is a good place to start.

However, in fact, it kind of already is starting in the sense that the powers are pretty balanced. The next step to providing a more sane and less world dominance bent world is for the world to realize that blowing all of our gold in one place, over one region time after time will really hurt us all. We can to wear each other out to the point where we can sit down and find some level of resolution.

Hopefully we can come to realize the futility of this before we end up wasting the world's resource of gold on wellness packs blown at each other, or before we end up a world dominated by one side, which I do not believe even the victors would truly appreciate. Hopefully, we can come to some kind of agreement-one which entails a breakup of both of the alliances and things to ensure that they are never made again.

Third Alliance

Some people talk about leaving Atlantis... much harder to be done than said.

Right now, we have all of PEACE at our doorsteps in Mexico through MPP's. Nothing less than the alliance we are in right now will provide us protection. No third alliance, no defensive stances. Although they sound great and are great ideas, a defensive pact would soon become rather boring, all aggression in this game is not "evil".

We can call it whatever we like, but if we have a new alliance without Romania, Spain, and a few other nations, we could never stand up to PEACE. This is not to say that the terms of our alliance cannot be revisited and revised, just that whichever way you cut it we'll end up in one alliance versus another alliance or us crushed by an opportunistic PEACE seeing its chance at revenge at an old pain in its side.

Even if they don't attack us, they will gain the upper hand on Atlantis forcing us to basically help Atlantis or to watch it fall, and have us in the third and weaker alliance as the only enemies left, easier to take out than ever before.

Any third alliance which does not have the breakup of both Atlantis AND Peace members is doomed to fail. Right now we are not in a position to create this, it would take a monumental piece of work and diplomacy to create a third alliance that would work and not fall apart.

I'm Saying..

What I am trying to say here isn't just about PEACE or Atlantis, it's really about alliance X and Y. Because you can call them whatever you like, say that one side is more righteous than the other, but those things become irrelevant to any current conflict because no matter who wins the world loses.

X and Y may be a necessary evil, and finding a third and more preferably a fourth or fifth alliance for balance would be a good way to break up the tension, but we really need to stand back and realize that the world has ended up the way it has because of human nature and natural tendencies.

In order to get around this, we must stand back, see how we got here, and come to a mutually beneficial agreement that will cause not only the breakup of both PEACE and Atlantis.

Am I saying I support a third alliance? Am I saying I do not support PEACE and Atlantis? I am saying nothing to both, simply that we need to take a more pragmatic look at our world problems and realize that IF we want the way the game is going to change, it's a bigger question than Atlantis or PEACE, it's the question of X and Y.

Sidenote on the Economy

The US dollar value is in for a rude awakening one day. With the current taxes, our dollar is deflating at too rapid of a pace which is cause for calling for USD for being printed. Beyond this, the major battles going on in the world are causing a general lack of gold in the world. Thus, the US economy and the world economy are at odds, causing our dollar value to go up while the world's in general *should* be going down. If this happens we will end up with a massively higher dollar value than the general world market making it hard to export our goods.

Tip : Buy gold now while it costs less, I expect soon for the dollar to deflate through direct intervention of the government and the general lack of gold within the global economy.

Aren Perry,
Illinois Congressman
Head of AAP Recruitment
SADD Member
Ambassador to Turkey
Chair of Infrastructure Committee