Wellness Package Advice for New Players

Day 496, 08:33 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry
The Following Article was Written in its entirety by Tom Gunnar and Posted in the Illinois Bugle at his request.

After getting my 5 'complementary' gold for fighting and getting to another level, I decided to buy two of the wellness packages, which allowed me to join in the fight two more times. *(1)Later on, while trading my remaining gold for USD's I realized that gold is worth a little more than 56 USD. *(2)T
This would make the cost of the wellness package a little more than 111 dollars *(4) for two pieces of gold, granted the exchange rate for Dollars to gold is still the same. *(2)

If you were willing to wait two nights you could get 10 wellness, from 2x Q5 food, for roughly 20 dollars a piece.That means that for roughly 40 USD + 2 nights you could get the same 10 wellness points!This would save you 70 some odd dollars!

I used 4 of my complementary gold pieces for health packets which equaled about 222 USD for 20 wellness!!! Our tanks benefit from this, because they can fight over and over while producing high damage. However, for us who are still on the lower level, the wellness package is not the best deal.

Its okay, I have learned my lesson. I hope you all out there don't make the same mistake. If you count the opportunity cost of purchasing the wellness package, I paid 142$ more the 'worth' of 20 wellness points.*(3) Now, I know that the benefit of purchasing the wellness box is the speedy service and instant effect. But if you were willing, you could use those funds towards saving for a Q1 or a Q2 house. This would increase your wellness throughout the game!

If you are not a tank, like me, you probably want train, fight once, heal at the hospital, work, then fight until your states' hospital will heal you to 100% (for your 50% increase in productivity) for the next day's schedule.Count the cost. I already did.~T.G.
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*(1) The Southeast fight, it started on 09 March 2009, 18:05. I only added +5, five times. (Hey, you were all there at one time.)
*(2) If you used the lowest offered rate of exchange: 1 USD = 0.019
*(3) Equation for wellness rounded up to nearest dollar: 10 wellness = 18 USD + two nights
Equation for wellness box rounded up to nearest dollar: 10 wellness = 75 USD
Subtract the two nights and cost of 2 Q5 food from the wellness package.
*(4) I finally got to use my laptops' calculator!

Written By Tom Gunnar