We Will Overcome

Day 352, 15:03 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

Canada today you have made change. Today you have elected your leader. Today you elected me as your new Prime Minister. My party, I thank you for all your hard work and support. For those who have supported me from the starting line. Cottus Arci, Adam Sutler, Banach, Tony Stark, Augustus Baldwin, Shugo, Tom, John Wilkmot and my running mate and good friend, Alexander Rearden.And there are many others I thank you as well. But those who deserve the most thanks and those who this victory goes to, the Canadian Citizens.

Canada we are one more step closer to paradise. Together our future is strong. Together we are strong. We have overcome everything that has been thrown in our path. We will not falter her. We are survivors. At this moment we are in a economic recession, and we are standing strong. We will continue to stand strong, and we will overcome. We are here today, a new day, a new government, a new chance and a new future. We will overcome. We will become a Military Power. We will be a Political Power. We will be the Economic Paradise. We will overcome.

Under my administration we will continue undergoing progress and we will continue to a better future. But we must ask our selves, "What will the future bring to us tomorrow?" "What will we do to get to tomorrow?" These two alone are the foundation of the future. The answers and solutions that we give are the the structure and frame of that future. Together we will build the future. Together we are strong. Together we are Canada. Together we will overcome.

Tantis - 2nd Prime Minister of Canada (1rst Elected President of V1)