Voting Record Day 857-869

Day 869, 23:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

In favor of open government and governance, I have prepared a full list of all votes that I have taken part in. (No Private Dáil votes are recorded here, nor are Public Dáil votes, if you wish to read my votes in the Public Dáil, please read them there)

I have not abstained from a single vote on eRepublik, but have abstained from voting in the public and private Dáil on occasion)

Here is my voting record for posterity:

Tax change: Weapon
Day 857
Propose😛 Danielle Cauthon
Vote😛 No
Reason: It was not discussed in the Dáil.

Tax change: Food
Day 857
Propose😛 Danielle Cauthon
Vote😛 No
Reason: It was not discussed in the Dáil.

Minimum Wage Change
Day 858
Propose😛 Dronskla
Vote😛 No
Reason: It was not discussed in the Dáil.

President Impeachment
Day 860
Propose😛 Bryan O'Shea
Vote😛 No
Reason: Unnecessary and full of political barbs and poison that we don't need right now.

New Citizen Fee
Day 868
Propose😛 John Jay
Vote😛 No
Reason: It was a rage-quit proposal, and JJ left eIreland after proposing it.

Issue Money
Day 868
Propose😛 John Jay
Vote😛 No
Reason: Another rage-quit proposal.

Tax change: Food
Day 869
Propose😛 5n4keyes
Vote😛 Yes

Tax change: Weapon
Day 869
Propose😛 5n4keyes
Vote😛 No
Reason: I believe we needed to keep the taxes the same because we need to be prepared for a possible war with the eUK.

Tax change: Moving Tickets
Day 869
Propose😛 castaneda
Vote😛 No
Reason: Moving tickets help our military travel, and higher taxes make them harder to afford.

Tax change: Gift
Day 869
Propose😛 castaneda
Vote😛 No
Reason: Gifts are used by the military, and are already more expensive than they should be.

Tax change: House
Day 869
Propose😛 Vyse the 2nd
Vote😛 Yes

Tax change: Grain
Day 869
Propose😛 Vyse the 2nd
Vote😛 Yes

Day 869
Propose😛 patton
Vote😛 Yes
Reason: The eUSA are our bros, and it is a great MPP to have in case the eUK attacks.

The votes from Day 869 on shall be published at the end of my term.

Éire go Brách,

Bristel Akina - Teachta Dála - Dublin (ÉA)